Friday, February 16, 2024

Six Sleeps Until QuiltCon! / Beauties Pageant 246

** The quilts pictured are pieces of mine that have shown at previous QuiltCons **

Preparation for QuiltCon is in full swing at From Bolt to Beauty world headquarters, and Im getting really excited for the conference!

If youre not familiar with this event or not a member of the Modern Quilt Guild (MQG), you may be wondering what all the fuss is about. A quilt show is a quilt show, right? To be honest, I have limited experience and haven’t had the opportunity to change that locally: MQX, a show in New Hampshire I used to attend, has shut down, as has the Vermont Quilt Festival.

From my experience, QuiltCon is a different beast altogether. Ive seen shows where organizers have fit as many projects as possible on panels throughout the space. That is not QuiltCon. There, quilts are treated like works of art. The space is big and open and well lit. Truly, if it werent for the adjacent vendor booths and presentation stages, you would think you were in an art gallery.

And the teachers are the best known and most innovative in the field. This years offering includes everyone from Sarah Bond and Jen Carlton Bailly, to Jo Avery and Veruschka Zarate.

If youre considering attending a future QuiltCon, go for it! Here are some things to consider ...

1. Sign up when registration opens, and stay at your computer. It isnt easy to get coveted spots in popular workshops. To have the best shot at signing up for the classes you want, be on the QuiltCon website when it opens for registrations. I did, but I walked away from my computer. When I returned, I was 1,800th in line. Blerg!

2. Lectures are a great value. One-hour lectures are less than $20. I signed up for several in Raleigh. If something comes up and I decide to bail on one, a $20 loss is no big deal—I consider it a donation to the MQG.

3. Plot with your people. One of the best parts of the QuiltCon experience for me is meeting and spending time with far-flung friends, most of whom I know from social media. Going into QuiltCon 2024, Ive made dinner reservations and planned meet-ups to make the most of my time to socialize in Raleigh.

4. Enjoy the planning. You might remember that Im making snarky friendship bracelets to trade with other conference-goers. Im also wrapping up a bag project to sport while walking the show floor, and I know friends who are working on garments and such to show off in Raleigh.

5. Prepare for a rough re-entry. Its never easy to get back into the swing of everyday life after time away. QuiltCon is especially exhausting for me. Im introverted, and all that socializing is exhausting. It takes me a few not-so-busy days at home to feel more like myself again.

If you are going to QuiltCon, look me up! Id love to chat with you!

Tula Fabric Sale

I am helping a friend sell 19 bolts of Tula Pink fabric. Everything is $10 per yard plus shipping. If you need more Tula in your stash, the easiest way to view the bolts is to check out my destash account on Instagram (@fbtbdestash), indicating the amount you want on the corresponding post(s). If youre not on IG but need some of these beauties, drop me an email at frombolttobeauty [at] gmail [dot] com, and Ill fill you in on the details. : )

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. I'm so glad you mentioned having a rough re-entry. While I have always had a rough re-entry (usually I come home sick with something or another), somehow every year I think it will be different...

  2. I'm attending for the first time. It's pretty out of my comfort zone, but since I'm having that significant birthday this year too, I'm trying to do things that challenge me. I was in a similar spot in the registration line and pretty much everything was full by the time I got admitted. I didn't know to do the planning. Maybe next time.

  3. Have fun! Sorry to be missing out this year.

  4. I wish everyone going a wonderful time!

  5. I'm looking forward to your Quilt Con review, Michelle!!! Have a fun time!!!

  6. I look forward to seeing you at QuiltCon!

  7. Have a great time, Michelle. It’s amazing how many of we creatives identify as introverts. I like to socialise, but I really, really, value my solitude!

  8. I CANNOT WAIT! I'm so excited. QuiltCon is a show like non other, and I wouldn't miss it. It would be wonderful to meet you in person, Michelle! I will watch for you.


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