Friday, September 6, 2019

QuiltCon Season / Beauties Pageant 47

These ombre fabrics, from V and Co, are going into a new design of mine.

For me, the first day of school also signifies the start of QuiltCon season. Submissions to the show close on November 30, so by the time my boys are back in the classroom and my days are more my own, there are three months left to go.

In general, I’m not a show-quilt maker. I have displayed 47XY+21 at two shows—QuiltCon and the Vermont Quilt Festival (where it won a first-place ribbon)—and plan on submitting it to a few others because I believe in sharing the message behind it. I am, however, a QuiltCon-quilt maker. The audience at QuiltCon is my people, and I get a thrill from seeing my quilts on display when I attend the conference and show.

Another design I hope to submit will be super colorful.

My philosophy with submitting to QuiltCon is that I can make anything I want, and buy any required fabric I want, as long as I legitimately want to make the quilt. (I’ve abandoned plenty of clever project ideas because I decided I wouldn’t want the finished project in my life after the show.) I also try to submit my projects early (by, say, October 15) and believe in resubmitting past rejections. Circa 1870, for example, was rejected for QuiltCon 2018 but accepted for the 2019 show. For the resubmission, I took a new picture—one on a white background instead of against the fall foliage and held up by my husband—and placed it in a different category, Modern Traditionalism, instead of its original one, Piecing. I am not sure whether the category change made a difference, but I think the new photograph did.

So although I have a long list of WIPs that needs attention, it’s all QuiltCon all the time at my sewing machine these days. I have two quilts to resubmit and hope to finish two new ones. Wish me luck!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Good points. I have yet to submit a quilt to Quilt Con. I had some grandeous idea for a stripes quilt but I'm not sure I have the ability to actually make it. I'm also super busy in September so this year its a no go. Maybe next year though. I look forward to seeing what you make however!

  2. Good luck with your QuiltCon sewing! Both fabric pulls are beautiful :)

  3. Michelle, this is a really interesting post. I like the idea that you make what you really want to own rather than what might be accepted. Also, your thoughts on resubmission are great. I don't do this sort of thing, but never thought that resubmitting with new photos and/or categories would work. I wish you lots of luck this year!

  4. I love those deep colors! Can't wait to see what they become.

  5. Good luck with your QuiltCon sewing, and thanks for the linkup.

  6. Hi Michelle! I love your fabric pulls, and really cannot wait to see where you take these beauties. I have great confidence in your skills and talent, and know that your four submissions will be accepted. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Quiltcon sewing... I have heard much about it! Good luck with making a quilt!


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