Friday, January 5, 2024

New Year's List Writing / Beauties Pagent 242

I am a big believer in making lists. It doesn’t matter whether I write a list out by hand or type it into a digital document, the activity is worthwhile. It gives me the opportunity to process my short-term tasks and establish some long-term goals, but perhaps more important, it frees up space in my brain. Sometimes it seems as if just writing something down and committing to tackling it is half the battle.

My quilting-related lists usually focus on WIPs, but since the new year is upon us, I like the idea of writing out some general goals and making a few detailed lists to set the stage for my 2024 quilting journey.

Stashing Goals

I have a lot of fabric. I suspect you do, too. And if you’re like me, you start each January by resolving to buy less. Yup, that’s a goal for 2024: I don’t want to buy pretty fabric just to buy pretty fabric. (Have you seen the posts about recently restocked Starry from Ruby Star Society? I’ve resisted them all!)

In addition to using up a good portion of my stash this year, I also plan to destash fabric I don’t love anymore or don’t think I’ll use anytime soon. I posted a dozen lots of fabric on Instagram and FeelGood Fibers in December, selling several of them. I plan on posting more to FGF in January. It feels great to see space in my drawers of fabric!

Related links:

Pattern Design

I released just two patterns in 2023: Set to Spin, which is an intermediate paper-piecing pattern, and the Still Pretty Simple Jelly Roll Quilt, which is one of my $3 Almost Free for Charity PDF patterns.

Most of my designing and quilting time for the next few months is already spoken for, so I don’t expect to release any new patterns until the second half of the year. Still, I am looking forward to adding to my collection of offerings. I’m hoping for two, perhaps three, new patterns. (Hold me accountable to that, friends!)

Related links:

From Bolt to Beauty Blog

I am committed to writing Friday posts here on the From Bolt to Beauty blog and hosting the Beauties Pageant linky. I know that in general blogging has taken a backseat to social media, but this platform continues to be my preferred place to document projects, celebrate triumphs, and discuss the speed bumps along the way. Thank you for being here, for participating in the linky, and for making blogging regularly a worthwhile goal for me!

Social Media

I’ve lost a lot of love for Instagram in the past nine months or so. Algorithm changes over the past year have caused even fewer people to see my static pictures and rendered my involvement on the platform halfhearted at best. Will I post in 2024? Sure, but I expect it to be sporadic. (Darn you, Instagram!)

I’m considering playing around with YouTube in both the long and short formats, but that’s another idea to pursue the second half of the year.


I took stock of my works in process, and I have just five of them! Sure, there are a few others that have been cut out, but these are the ones I’ve actually started sewing. (The pictures in this post are testament to that.) One way or another, I can bang these out in the next 12 months. Here is the rather short list, with links to blog posts that discuss them:

What is on your list for 2024? Your list doesn’t have to be anything fancy, and I wouldn’t approach it as a legalistic I-have-to-accomplish-these-things-in-the-next-12-months activity, just an opportunity to have a think and give your year of quilting some direction.

Follow Me On ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. The pieced hearts are so cute, love the star quilt! The linky party says it's closed.

  2. I agree with you about Instagram... I refuse to cave to the pressure of reels and videos. I'll stick with my blog as my primary share space and then share the links to social media. Thank you for continuing to host the linky party.

  3. I too love using my blog to document what I have done, and am trying to use up more. I am expecting some odd but fun finishes for charity quilts as a I zip through some stash. Thanks for hosting bolt to beauty...hope to have one soon to share.

  4. I did put some intentions down in writing this year on my blog too. I haven't done that for a couple of years, but like you I still always always make lists and love checking items off!

  5. Oh, yes, Instagram is so frustrating now. I'm impressed that you only have five WIP. I'm also trying to reduce my unfinished items and use fabric I've already invested in.

  6. I've been listless for awhile now. Maybe that should change, as I've noticed that I haven't finished as many projects as I used to. We'll see. I do have some ideas for new quilts, so that's at least a mental list. I agree with you about Instagram. I feel like I've lost touch with a lot of people because of the way the algorithm works (or doesn't). I wish the posts of people I follow would just show up regularly instead of having to search them out. Thanks for including continuation of your linky party as part of your list. I do appreciate it. Blogging still seems to me to be the best way to document our quilting lives.

  7. I like to make lists too! And I am keen to continue blogging too, much more versatile than IG

  8. Working from a quilt list is a great directive! I agree with you about Insta!?! I look forward to your weekly link party, Michelle! And I'm especially looking forward to 2 or 3 new quilt patterns from you later this year!

  9. I hear you about Instagram. It's why I love my blog and newsletter list; the only places I can really control and own the work I do. I hope you have a wonderful 2024. Sounds like you have a lot going on in the first half, and I hope that goes smoothly.

  10. Looks like a very busy and exciting year ahead! Let us know if you are planning a FGF destash and we can help to promote! Happy New Year! - Kim @feelgoodfibers

  11. I love the size and number of your WIPS. I try to keep mine down as well.
    Thanks for continuing the Beauties Pageant. Blogging is also my favorite platform to share and socialize with other quilters. Instagram and others just don't allow me to write and show in a way that makes me happy.

  12. Sounds like a good game plan ;) I wish you all the best for 2024! xo


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