Friday, June 30, 2023

Brightly by Cluck Cluck Sew / Beauties Pageant 222


I am always on the lookout for clever quilt patterns. Sure, I appreciate beautiful quilt tops, but any designer who can translate beautiful tops into slick instructions for others to replicate has my admiration. I am an especially big fan of Allison Harris of Cluck Cluck Sew. 

On more than one occasion, Allison has released a pattern and my first response is, Why didn’t I think of that?! Most recently, she unveiled her Kitty Cats. In a sea of cat quilts, the design is unlike the others—it’s both simple and unique.

My rendition of Brightly, another Cluck Cluck Sew project, had been in WIP limbo until earlier this year, when I made finishing the blocks a priority. I opened a charm pack of Allison’s Backyard Blooms (she’s also a Windham fabric designer) to establish the palette and then added coordinating scraps to the mix. That approach—starting with a charm pack and building a fabric pull from there—is becoming a favorite way to plot a quilt top.

I intended to do an allover cross-hatch on this beauty but ended up quilting double lines on the diagonal. I like it a lot. Cross-hatches are a good go-to for me because they’re equally effective on more-traditional and more-modern projects; I may come to the same conclusion about double lines.

The sun shines in the Massachusetts sky at whim these days, and I neglected to take pictures of the back of this quilt during its brief appearances this week. I’ll remedy that in my next post!

If you’ve made any Cluck Cluck Sew patterns, I’d love to hear about your projects in the comments or see them in the linky (go ahead, link up old CCS projects this week!).

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. It's beautiful, Michelle! I love the quilted double lines, and I agree they'd work equally well on traditional or modern quilts.

  2. You know, I don't think about how line spacing can have such a lovely effect in quilting often enough. The quilted double lines are great and something I need to add to my mental list to consider!

  3. I have made the Brightly Quilt as well and gifted it. It is such a simple but striking pattern. I also love her seam tape!

  4. Congrats on your finish! I like the design too - it is a lovely mixture of traditional and modern - at least for me ;) xo

  5. I love this quilt and am pleased for you. The double line quilting is perfect...a nice technique that I had forgotten about. Had to laugh (no cry) at the sun in MA comment....what an awful spring/summer we have had...we're in Portland ME now (spent many years in MA) and I only remember one other summer like this - but not enjoying it at all!

  6. Love your quilt - and your quilting! I also love Cluck Cluck Sew quilt patterns. I have several: Basketcase (which is in process), Box of Hearts, a pumpkin quilt pattern and, I just ordered last week her new Daisy pattern. Can't wait for it to arrive, as I have a young girl who will love that one for Christmas!

    1. Awesome -- thanks for the suggestions! And best wishes on tackling that Christmas gift!


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