Friday, May 28, 2021

Machine-Sewing with 12 Weight Thread / Beauties Pageant 131

If you read my post from May 14, you know that I recently resurrected an old hexie WIP with the hope of completing it by June 10. All in all, the process is going pretty well, and I’m confident that I’ll have it finished and photographed in another two weeks!

I really enjoy machine-sewing hexagons. (I know I’m in the minority here.) Contrary to almost all tutorials on machine-sewing hexies (except mine!), I don’t sew the pieces into columns and then sew the columns together. Instead, I sew my hexies into trios and then sew the trios together. The process feels organic and surprisingly freeing—a nice break from the usual rigid routine of chain-piecing blocks into rows and those rows into a quilt top.

So far, quilting this project has been similarly unstructured; I’ve been feeling my way through it. I started by quilting in between the hexagons with Aurifil Natural White in 12 weight. This was a first for me. I used a matching polyester Gutermann 40 weight thread, my usual choice for piecing, in the bobbin. The process has been pretty smooth—my top thread has broken just once! My only complaint is that the thicker thread prevents me from retracing any of my quilting lines. Read that as: I’ve been starting and stopping a lot, and burying a ton of threads. Blerg.

From there, I outlined some of the lighter blue bits in Aurifil Wedgewood, also in the 12 weight. I didn’t plan the blue quilting in advance, but I like it. Now that it’s done I’m deciding where to go and what to do next. (I have white, blue, and gray thread, and I’d prefer not to go buy more.) Maybe some gray lines radiating from the green gems or embroidery-like stars on the magenta ones? I’m convinced that some hand-quilting is in order.

I am open to any and all suggestions about the quilting here. What would you do to accentuate that these shapes are gemstones?


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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. Your quilt is very pretty, I like these blocks. Your quilting so far looks nice. I've never tried 12 weight thread in my sewing machine, I will try it sometime. Happy stitching!

  2. Oh, that 12 wt quilting is exquisite! I've only ever used 12 wt for hand stitching and now I might need to experiment with it on the machine, too :) Good luck getting it finished and photographed in time!

  3. Hi,
    Love Hexies...I made one a long time ago..maybe it's
    time to make another one. Have a great day!

  4. Oh, I hear you on having lots of threads to bury. I hope you have fun and enjoy thinking through what comes next and love your finish as much as I love mine (that is finally done, yayayay)!

  5. Such a pretty hexi quilt and so glad that you are going to be able to have it completed by your goal date. Thank you for hosting the quilt party.

  6. 12 weight thread, eh? It sure looks great but I'm not sure I would be happy knotting off and burying all the threads. Have fun deciding where to go with the quilting.

  7. Love the look of the quilting! I find that I end up burying a ton of threads. But it will be worth it.


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