Friday, December 13, 2019

And Then There Were 19 / Beauties Pageant 60

I am slowly whittling down my WIP list. What was 21 items long a few weeks ago, is down to a whopping 19. Yikes! The way I see it, slow but steady will win this quilty race, and I celebrate each finish, no matter how big or how small.

Here is my latest finish, what I am calling my Little Lady Quilt. It’s a feminine take on Camille Roskelley’s Little Man Quilt, from her Simplify book. The novelty fabrics are from Rae Ritchie's Seaside Carnival. The remaining bits are Kona Cottons in a variety of colors, a random Art Gallery print, and strippy scraps of an ocean-themed Janet Clare fabric. The real takeaway, however, is that everything came from my stash. (Insert fist bump here.)

Even the backing fabric, a purple-y Anna Maria Horner print that plays off the tiniest bit of orchid from the quilt top, was already owned by me.

This is my fourth (but not final) version of this pattern. You can see my others in these posts:
I know some of you have finishes to celebrate, too. Please link up in the Beauties Pageant below!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Hi Michelle! Fist pump right back at you. Finishes are amazing this time of year, I think. Remember how many quilt tops you were making this summer? All with the goal of quilting them this Fall/winter. So here we are. Good for you - this one is a winner in my book. Love all the different fabrics, and to pull it from stash is even another big plus. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Congrats on whittling down your UFOs. Nice finish!

  3. Beautiful crosshatch quilting. Congratulations for getting below 20!

  4. Congrats! Whimsical quilt... you will make one lady very happy :) And three down in such a short frame is great! Good luck with another one or two... And have a lovely third advent! xo Melanie

    1. See, I can't even count... two down... still great! xoxo

  5. I've never attempted to make a WIP or UFO list. It's not because I have so many of them, but I completely detest "obligation sewing" or quiltmaking. I put all that pressure on myself, and then feel terrible when I don't meet my commitment because I didn't apply myself, or some other must-do got in the way. But truly, I'm glad for you that list making works. I know it does for lots of quilters!

  6. I can see why you've made multiples of this pattern. Simply adorable. My favorite part is the top and bottom borders. It must be so fun to pick them out to coordinate with the rest of the quilt. Yay for your finishes!

  7. I'm glad someone else has a WIP list like mine! :) Congrats on the finishes and also for shopping your stash.


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