Friday, January 10, 2025

Use It or Lose It: Cirrus Solids / Beauties Pageant 279

My love affair with Cirrus Solids started back in 2021 when I made my Quilt Buzz Bingo project. I wanted a special solid to sash my blocks, and these yarn-dyed wovens are a little heavier than—and have more personality than—regular quilting cottons.

The color and texture of Cirrus Solids in Ocean, a deep blue, transformed my blocks. Without it, my pink and green blocks looked very “modern Christmas.” The sashing erased all evidence of the holidays and replaced it with “preppy summer.” The palette makes me think of a woven button-down shirt and cutoffs, and the finished quilt is on my bed right now in an effort to inject color into my New England winter.

Ocean wasn’t the only Cirrus Solid in my stash, however: When I reorganized my stash recently, I realized I had 3-plus yards of both Limestone (a white) and Amazon (an aqua). It was time to find those beauties a purpose!

Enter Windmill Weave by Sewspicious. Although there’s something special about mixing Cirrus Solids with quilting cottons, as I did in Quilt Buzz Bingo, there’s something equally special about using solely Cirrus Solids, and I know this bold, graphic design will be striking sewn up in Limestone and Amazon.

I am two blocks into this project. Thanks to my AccuQuilt Go and strip piecing, however, the process is surprisingly fast. I have more to say about using Cirrus Solids and the pattern, but I’ll save those comments for a future update on my progress. : )

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. I like how your Windmill Weave is looking, Michelle!!!

  2. The softest and most delightful quilt I have ever had the opportunity to make and work on was all Cirrus Solids - I look forward to hearing more about your experience with them!

  3. I really like navy blue is lieu of black. I may have to find some of the Cirrus Solids. (Might be difficult as the closest quilt store is an hour away. I like your turquoise and white blocks -- nice that you can use your dies for them.

  4. Hi Michelle, those Cirrus Solids look and sound great. That's going to be a great quilt!

  5. I forgot about Quilt Buzz Bingo. Your blocks are looking great. Looking forward to seeing how it all comes together.


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