Friday, December 15, 2023

Beautiful Things (That I Did Not Make Myself) / Beauties Pageant 239

I’ve realized something in the past year: I cannot make all the things. I may have the fabric and crafty know-how to make all the things, but I do not have the time. So I’ve been purchasing beautiful finishes from other makers, and it brings me so much joy!

This isn’t to say that I’ve gone hog wild buying up all sorts of handmade loveliness. I am very deliberate with my choices, and I use and/or admire both of the creations that follow every day.

First up: the cheerful rainbow mini quilt, pictured above, from Amy Chappell of Ameroonie Designs. The Etsy listing billed this beauty as a mug rug, but there was no way I was going to put a drippy coffee cup on it. Instead, it’s pinned to the bulletin board above my desk, and I have that splash of color within view whenever I’m working at my computer.

I enjoy keeping tabs on Amy’s projects and new patterns. All of her projects are on the smaller side, and she incorporates a lot of applique in her work. You may remember the cutie-patootie mug rug I made back in 2022, pictured below. That’s one of Amy’s patterns.

Another item I’ve bought is this thread catcher from Cristi of Duval Quilt Co., who sells items from @cristiclothier_shop on Instagram. I used to have a brown paper bag under my sewing table for cut threads and such. This thread catcher is not only prettier, but it’s also more convenient to have right next to my machine. I adore it!

Again, could I have made this myself? Sure. But I really loved the combination of natural Maker fabric and the color gradient strip. Why try to replicate perfection when I could buy the very thread catcher I wanted?

I love having these objects in my life, and I love the idea of supporting other crafters. Do you have any recommendations on other crafters whose wares I should check out? I’m not interested in buying quilts but smaller objects, and I’m specifically in the market for a new pincushion. (Items would need to be able to be shipped to me in the US.) Thanks in advance!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. If you like little things, take a peek at While not quilted items, these little cuties are adorable. I have one of the 5" hares and she keeps me company in my quilt room.

  2. Oh, I would not have been able to resist the first "mug rug" either, and would have also wanted to hang it for viewing. I have a pin cushion I love made from Cheryl (Meadow Mist Designs) and she will occasionally get on a kick and make and have them for sale, but it does not look like any are available from her right now.

  3. I've been coveting the pincushion chairs by this Etsy seller.

  4. Hi Michelle, I found this idea for pin cushions I use wool dryer balls and find cute little planters for my collection. I have 5 right now, including a llama one. The best thing about the wool balls is that you will know if you have a bad pin or needle with maybe a barb or nick on it as it will catch on the wool. Maybe I’ll upload a picture of my collection on my blog. Thanks for your posts!
