Friday, March 27, 2020

Already Sewing for Christmas / Beauties Pageant 74

Hi, everyone! Thank you all for your well wishes last week.

My husband, two school-age sons, and I are doing well here in Massachusetts, on the East Coast of the United States. We’re healthy and riding out this quarantine as best we can. I am a mom full-time, and my husband is able to work from home without a problem. He foresaw that the United States would be quarantining. As a result, he had me stock up the basement freezer and overflow pantry, and wrap up some house projects weeks ago. We’ve been in good shape with supplies.

My husband’s hobby is emergency medical services, which he has been involved with since we met 25 years ago, and he takes an ambulance shift two nights every week. He’s my family’s biggest threat to acquiring the novel Coronavirus. As the resident asthmatic, I am the family member most likely to experience complications should I become infected. We’re trying our best to be smart and stay safe.

Of course, the creature who is fully in favor of this quarantine is the dog. Rose loves when the pack is all together! She managed to mangle one of her claws right before the quarantine went into effect. (She’s just fine now.) I present to you Rose at her most pathetic ...

A note on the pictures peppered throughout this post: I have been doing a lot of cutting and piecing since we’ve been stuck at home. Here is my first flimsy finish! It’s Kate Spain’s Chalet pattern made with Juniper Berry, by Basic Grey. I have already declared 2020 the Year of the Christmas Quilt. I have five Christmas quilts in the works, and at least two or three will be staying at my house. : )

Stay good and healthy, friends. Sending my love to you all!

Linking up to Favorite Finish at Meadow Mist Designs ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Oh my - poor Rose - she is probably so glad to have you all at home as much as possible. I will be thinking of and thanking your Husband for all his hard work... So glad he had you stock up!! Have fun stitching!

  2. I too stocked up before it got to Arkansas - we will run out of fresh veggies of course - but I have my lettuce planted and tomatoes too, spinach just went in the other day - I hope to have some fresh produce to help stretch the frozen stuff. We are both in the higher risk being in our late 60's and hubby is in beginning stages of heart disease and pre-diabetic and I've got 2 autoimmune diseases - we are staying home

  3. Awww, poor Rose. I'm so glad that everyone on your family is doing better now! We, too, saw the reality of needing to be home on the horizon and are doing well and staying cozy together. Looks like you've been productive sewing, what a cute flimsy finish!

  4. oh Rosie! Poor thing, cone of shame. I hate having to use that bet your mama does too.
    Glad to hear you're on the mend, and what better nurses than your pawrents!
    LeeAnna and Milo, from not afraid of color

  5. Poor Rosie - looks so sad and sheepish!!
    My husband saw it coming too and I have to admit I thought he was being a worrier. Now I am glad he did. Our freezer is full and we are safe at home. Crazy crazy world right now. I am grateful for my virtual friends more than ever. :-)

  6. That is so cute for Christmas!

  7. Hope you will be safe, all of you. Great time to sew for Christmas, now we can't say I don't have time ;))

  8. Hello from Nova Scotia. We too are staying home. It's the smart thing to do if you can. Hats off to your husband for providing and essential service. I'm sure he takes good preventative steps moving from the ambulance site to your home. Hugs to you all, including Miss Rosie.

  9. Thanks for your picture of Rose. Brought back memories of our Maggie, also a Golden, who was plagued by hot spots and the collar came out frequently. Stay safe.

  10. No Christmas quilt making here. Living in Florida, I manage to use only three quilts during an entire year, and Christmas isn’t usually chilly enough for a quilt. But I continue to enjoying making quilts! Sorry that your hubs has to expose himself to potential COVID-19. This is a helter-skelter world we’re living in. Only dogs are extra-happy these days! 😄

  11. I didn't think of your quilt as a Christmas quilt as I read through your post. I like it! Kudos to DH for planning in advance. I figured out we'd need some things early on so we are pretty well stocked on food.

  12. Hi Michelle! Aww, my poor buddy Rose. She does look like she garnered a LOT of sympathy with the cone-look. I would certainly give her a lot of extra belly and ear rubs, not to mention treats. I'm glad she is better now! Your DH sounds like a gem. Good for him for having you stock-up ahead of time. I'm sure you and he have a whole stay-safe procedure when he comes home from his ambulance shifts. My niece, the nurse, and her husband have a whole routine down to not expose the babies to any germs or as few as possible. {{Hugs}} Your quilt is gorgeous. Stay healthy and safe. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. How fun, we were both sewing Christmas themed projects :) Stay well! xo Melanie


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