Friday, April 3, 2020

Finishes Big and Small / Beauties Pageant 75

Buy the Warm and Cool Coin Quilt pattern here!

It’s been fun to have my family around during this hunker-down-at-home pandemic. All four of us get to have dinner together every night and talk more than usual. I have ample time to do whatever the kids want me to do with them. Mom, do you want to watch a show/read a book/talk about video games? The answer is almost always yes—although to be truthful, when it comes to talking about video games, I just smile and nod in agreement with whatever my 11-year-old is saying.

But sometimes it’s not fun. Sometimes I find myself—quite literally—running away from that same 11-year-old, locking doors behind me, yelling, “Leave me alone!” For as much as I love my family, I am an introvert who recharges by spending quiet time by herself. That’s where my sewing hobby comes into play.

I am often quilting for sanity these days. After all, my sewing machine doesn’t talk back to me. Actually, it makes few demands of me at all, apart from the occasional drink of oil and new needle. And it lets me think without interruption; I feel smarter when I spend time with it. Also, when a project is finished, it stays finished. I wish I could say the same about the state of the laundry, the dishes, or the house in general.

As a result, I am making good progress on a lot of projects. Some of them, like the quilt at the top of the post, were among the 21 WIPs I identified back in November. (For the record, that list has been whittled down to 15. Yahoo!) That is my Warm and Cool Coin Quilt, the first official From Bolt to Beauty pattern, sewn with Kate Spain’s Canyon collection. It’s with a team of great testers now. I will be sharing more pictures of and details about that pattern in upcoming weeks. : )

Other projects are small and satisfying. Remember my See-It-All Pouches? I made two more. The latest pouches started out as a pillow cover that was over quilted and, as a result, rather stiff. I cut it up to make two lovelies that went straight to guild friends. Here are the before and after pics ...

Yes, that’s much better.

Have you had the luxury, like me, of getting extra sewing time these days? If you have finishes to share, please add them to the linky below!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Those pouches are so cute! Zippers and I don't get along... I generally stick with velcro. Get it??? Stick with velcro. Oh my... Anyway, I use velcro for closures on small bags.

  2. Wow, I love your Warm and Cool Coin Quilt! Yes, sewing room is a great place to refill energy and to be open to people again ;)
    Take care

  3. The pouches are beautiful, and the stiffness will be well appreciated there for sure! For the most part I actually have less time to sew as my work as a technical editor is currently picking up a bit more. Overall, I am enjoying the cozy time at home with my husband, too. It's nice to have someone to have lunch with every day. <3

  4. I am right there with you on the nodding along with talk about video games, lol...and the talk about the shows they have watched that I have not :) Like you, though, I am happy to have my family here with me, even with the constant talking and the general craziness of the times. Congratulations on the pattern and the pouches look great!

  5. Haha! I so relate, fellow introvert here. I live alone now, so yes I have been getting a lot of sewing done, mainly finishing projects, but I'm also missing socializing with friends.

  6. OMG! You nailed exactly what I am feeling. I wouldn't say I am a true introvert, Because this "stay at home suggestion which is really an order" is making me crazy. But then, I do like being in my home, it's just I am now stuck in my home with 1 Hubster and 1 BioGirl 24/7!!! I just went from 2 extra dogs down to our normal 2, and it's a wonder any of the 4 dogs survived!! LOL. I just about lost it in my car after going to the grocery store. I went from averaging $200 a month at the grocery for the 2 of us, to $700 spent in the last month. And I really can't say I am prepped up for more than 10 days. Good lord how much are we eating? LOL

  7. Thanks for sharing your See It All pouches. I love how they turned out, and now have these on my wish list.. and the last thing I need is another pouch! Know what you mean about the togetherness... and I have only my hubs to spend time with. It’s challenging for everyone. We’re on day 18 of not going to the grocery, and I’m starting to get antsy for a few must-haves. Made face masks for the day we decide to finally brave-up and go.


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