Friday, January 17, 2020

Progress! / Beauties Pageant 65

So we’re 17 days into this new year, and I am happy to report that I’m making some good headway on projects. I’ve been alternating between things I prefer to do, like picking fabrics for new blocks, and things I have to do, like hand-sewing a hanging sleeve. The progress is slow but steady—I’m determined to make the most of this quiet, cold New England winter!

Projects that I plan on finishing this first quarter include ...

Scrappy Granny Squares

I just trimmed 15 blocks for this top and sewed 5 new ones. All I need is 10 more blocks and some skinny sashing, and I’ll have a quilt top!

Farmhouse Chic

Back in November, I wrote about my plan to tear through my Denyse Schmidt and Amy Butler stash. This project, then just a handful of blocks, is now a full-fledged flimsy.

Rainbow Strip-and-Flip #1

With no imminent need for a baby quilt, this project has been on the back burner for months. Heaven help me, I need to wrap this project up sooner rather than later—if not to gift to a newborn, then for my own peace of mind!

All three of these are my Q1 Finish-A-Long goals. A three-project to-do list is completely doable, right? (If you’re participating in the FAL this year, the posts that count are exclusively on Instagram. For more information, read the rules here.)

How is 2020 treating you? Share your recent triumphs in the comments below on in this week’s Beauties Pageant link-up!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. I love the calm color palette on the granny squares. You can definitely get these done, and I look forward to seeing them make progress. :)

  2. Hi Michelle! Your granny square quilt top - honestly it takes me right back to the afghan my grandmother made. The colors you chose and the placement of the blocks is just so perfect. Her's was crocheted and was always on a rocker that eventually found its way to the basement. LOVE this whole project. Three great and definitely doable goals for quarter one. I need to get my list together. I'm going to look for you on IG! Thank you for the linky party today. I always enjoy seeing what everyone is working on. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Great progress Michelle! Love the cool tones of the granny square quilt. I love that block and think one oversized block would make such a cute baby quilt. It has been on my 'list' for a long time now to try that out.

  4. You're making great progress! Good luck turning all three into finishes :)

  5. Good progress. I need to make my Q1 list. It's going to be an adjustment doing it only on IG. Must make myself a note. LOL

  6. Scrappy Granny Squares is so so very beautiful! I just love the colors. You are so good at placement. That explains why you enjoy picking the fabrics.

  7. your granny squares are so pretty! Just the right colors to play well together.

  8. I love the granny squares, the colors work so well together.

  9. Those granny squares are perfection!

  10. Three projects sounds totally doable! Best of luck and have lots of fun xo Mealnie
    PS: I love your Granny Cabin version.


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