Friday, January 24, 2020

A Magic Patchwork Tutorial / Beauties Pageant 66

With Valentine’s Day less than a month away, I’ve been thinking a lot about my Cross My Hearts Quilt. It’s a cute quilt—one that now lives with a friend of mine in New Hampshire—but the real beauty is what’s inside the quilt. I used a quick and easy piecing method to make the pixelated heart blocks: I ironed squares to a piece of fusible interfacing, folded along a long seam, and sewed. Simple, right?

After making Cross My Hearts, I would not use this technique for another quilt-size project. (You can read my rationale here.) It’s a pretty perfect approach for things like pillows, though.

If this piecing shortcut or my heart block is new to you, great! Consider it an early Valentine’s gift from me to you ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Good Morning, Michelle! I was just thinking about a pixilated quilt this morning. I have made one before, and knew I could quickly get my hands on the pattern later today. Then, here is your post!! And what a lovely layout and the fabrics you chose are just fab. Now I'm going to have to go read your linked post, although I suspect I have read it before. Hmm. Happy Happy Friday to you, my friend. Thank you for the linky party. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I love how the quilting gives it a cross stitch feel.

  3. I haven't seen that method used before, but I wouldn't want to do the whole quilt with it either. It is a very pretty quilt.

  4. What a lovely heart quilt - well done!

  5. I like the negative space blocks. It looks great.

  6. Your quilt looks bright and fresh. Though I've never been fond of heart designs, this is definitely appropriate for February, and I love the colors. It's always nice to participate in your Linky party. Thank you for offering it!

  7. Thank you for hosting! I bet my daughter would totally love to make one of these hearts. It seems like a great technique for kids to try.


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