Friday, January 3, 2020

Love Boldly / Beauties Pageant 63

Hello and happy new year!

I thought I’d start 2020 off here on the blog by introducing you to Love Boldly, the project I made for the American Patchwork & Quilting Stripes Challenge at QuiltCon. I’m happy to say that it was juried into the show and will be hanging in Austin in February!

An insignia on one of my older son’s shirts sparked the idea for this quilt. I started the design process by cutting up construction paper and playing with the pieces. Then I mocked up the design on graph paper and sewed a trial block, which I hated. So I played around with the design and colors more, this time in EQ7. I came up with three options and asked friends to chime in with their thoughts (because one can look at striped hearts only so many times objectively). Finally—finally!—I homed in on the design that would become Love Boldly.

For kicks, here are some of the EQ7 mock-ups I was working with. My inner Goldilocks thought the first one was a little too asymmetrical ...

This second one was too wide ...

But this third one was just right ...

I wish the design process was faster, especially since the block design I ran with entailed sewing 68 pieces, but that’s what I required to get the look I wanted. (Would you believe that now this large lapsize quilt is done, I think there’s an easier way to construct the blocks?! Sigh.)

Although I’m super pleased that Love Boldly will be enjoying a Texas vacation this winter, I’m sorry to say that I won’t be able to accompany it. If you’re going to QuiltCon, please take pictures—of Love Boldly, of the amazing quilts you see, of the fun you’re having. : )

Linking up to Show Me Something with Stripes ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. Congratulations on your entry being accepted! That's a huge coup, given the thousands of quilts that were submitted for consideration. It's too bad you can't go to QC. Have you ever been? It's a pretty incredible quilt-y experience. This will be my fourth time attending, and I'm so looking forward to it!

  2. Congratulations on having your quilt hung at QuiltCon!

  3. Hi Michelle! LOVE Love Boldly, and adore the whole story behind it. It always amazes me the things that cause inspiration behind a quilt, yet we often aren't told the back story. Most of the time it's just something in every day life! How absolutely wonderful that Love Boldly will be hung at QuiltCon. {{Hugs}} a bunch for you!! I'm so sorry you can't admire your quilt there yourself but I am certain that thousands of others will do so. I am just tickled pink for you, and to finally have a finish albeit a small one. It seems like the holidays just took up all of my free time in December, but now it's back to near normal. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Wow! Love your Love Boldly!!! Great job persevering through the design and construction. And awesome that it's going to Quilt Con!

  5. Some of my favorite posts to read are those that take me through someone's design process. It is something I find very difficult so I love to learn how another quilter thought through their quilt plan. This is a wonderful quilt and I hope it does well at the show! Just being juried in is quite the honor considering the incredible competition. Well done Michelle.

  6. I wish I could see this quilt in person. It is a favorite!

  7. Congratulations! I have definitely made a quilt and thought of a much better way to piece it after the fact before. I am always so busy at QuiltCon, but I do hope I get a few minutes to walk the show. I'll keep an eye out for Love Boldly if I do.

  8. I love your quilt and I am happy that it is going to Texas even if you won't be joining it. I won't be there either. I hope someone takes a photo of it and I'm sure someone will.

  9. How exciting!!! I am sure you will get all kinds of positive feedback from the show.

  10. That's a great quilt. The pattern is wonderful. I'll look for it at QuiltCon. Sorry you can't make it.

  11. Hi Michelle! Happy New Year! So happy for you that this beautiful quilt will be shown at QuiltCon! I am working on trying to debug the issues with my blog account so I can come back to life with this community. I've narrowed it down to a problem with Safari and/or the iMac. Getting closer!! Wishing you and yours all the best in 2020!!

  12. Thanks for showing us more about your design process. And congrats on getting the quilt excepted. I will take a picture - if I find it :) xo Melanie

  13. Congrats on this unique and gorgeous quilt! Love the stripe action very much!! How exciting for you to have it headed to QC!!

  14. That quilt is amazing! And your perseverance is inspiring.

  15. Such a creative use of stripes in your design! I really enjoy seeing your process images on the design. You are spot on in your assessment of the "not quite right" ones. :-) Thank you for linking up to Show Me Something with Stripes!


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