Friday, July 24, 2020

Stealing from Peter to Sew for Paul / Beauties Pageant 90

One of my sewing goals this year is to decimate my stash of Denyse Schmidt fabrics. I love Denyse’s vintage-modern take on design—in fact, she’s the reason I got into quilting—but I need some turnover in my stash. So I picked out a few patterns I wanted to make, reasoning that I would be using up some of my favorite prints in a quilt or two that I’d keep for myself.

I introduced you to my first finish dedicated to realizing this goal—a baby-size Ship’s Ladder—a few weeks ago (see it here). Today I’m unveiling Ship’s Ladder quilt in the lap size ...

This pattern is also from Denyse, and I sewed it exclusively in her New Bedford collection, a line I bought back in 2015. I don’t think I’ve ever followed a quilt pattern to a tee as I did here—I even swiped the quilting plan from the pattern. But, hey, why mess with perfection? Denyse knows what she’s doing.

The problem with sewing with these DS fabrics in multiple projects simultaneously is that I find myself stealing from Peter to sew for Paul. For example, I wanted to use more of the black solid in this quilt but had already chopped it up for a version of Stepping Stones, by Blair Stocker of Wise Craft Quilts, that’s in process. Then, of course, I wished I had more of the New Bedford oranges to use in Stepping Stone. Alas, they were pieced into my two versions Ship’s Ladder.

Admittedly, I did scour the web to make some special DS purchases for these projects. These beauties—from Washington Depot, Eastham, and more—will flesh out the various color palettes I’m working with and provide yardage to make coordinating backings.

Are you a collector of DS fabrics? If so, what is your favorite line? I am inclined to say Hope Valley—the first line of fabric I ever bought in fat quarters—but a more accurate answer is whatever DS line I am sewing with at the moment. : )

To my fellow DS fans, here are some spots on Instagram and online to find her past collections:

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. Good morning, Michelle! What a beauty this lap size quilt is, as is the earlier baby quilt. What a fun pattern and the quilting design really highlights it and lets it shine. Of course, the fabrics are divine as well. Overall, fabulous. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Ooh, I really like the dark binding to frame this lap size one. So overall, do you feel like you are putting a dint in your stash?

  3. Nice that you're using up DS fabrics. I bought some initially, when they were on sale at JoAnn Fabrics, but used them up! I can honestly say I've never made a quilt exclusively from one fabric collection. Guess I prefer to mix things up. And don't we all love that about quiltmaking? That we can do what each of us enjoys most? Thanks for sharing your lovely quilt.


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