Friday, February 4, 2022

Sewing Hearts / Beauties Pageant 161

I am not sure what it is about hearts, but I really love themlike, as a shape. Perhaps they put me in touch with my inner 10-year-old, who remembers doodling hearts and using heart stickers and adoring Valentines Day. What can I say? Hearts are big when youre a 10-year-old girl!

I am still a fan of hearts, however, as past projects have illustrated ...

Back in 2016, I sewed my Cross My Hearts quilt. This project was based on a super-sneaky interfacing technique for sewing basic patchwork. In retrospect, I wouldnt use it again for a quilt, but if youre looking for a quick Valentine project, it would be perfect for a pillow. Check out my tutorial, called Less-Work Patchwork Hearts, here

Then in 2018, I made a cat face quilt, based on Elizabeth Hartmans free block series. Although I didnt sew any heart shapes for the quilt, an awesome eighties-looking heart print was the inspiration for the palette and appeared on the binding. (This was the only time I have started with the binding fabric and built a project up from there!)

And most recentlyjust last year, in factI released my Love Boldly quilt pattern. I adore this block and am most proud of this pattern. I am itching to make another Love Boldly, but I already have three living in my house right now. I do have a few orphan blocks that Id like to sew into some minis, with the thought that Id give them away, only because I like the idea of sending some fabric-y love out into the world. If youre interested, stay tuned to my Instagram account to see whether this idea comes to fruition in the 10 days before Valentines Day!

I almost forgot ... There is also my Random Hearts quilt, which is not so much of a past project as it is a current WIP. I hope to have more progress on that beauty to share in the next few months ...

Are you a sucker for sewing hearts? Id love to see your heart projects, past and present, in this weeks linky!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. And you should be proud of your heart block - it's a good one!

  2. I don't usually sew heart blocks but I do like the ones you have made.

  3. I am a sucker for heart quilts. Your Love Boldly design is fantastic and very much worth being proud of!

  4. Hi,
    I really like all your hearts...I love the last
    picture, it's so colorful...have a great day!

  5. I am a sucker for hearts too. Seeing them in a variety of styles and different colors is such a treat. Thank you for hosting the link party. Happy quilting.

  6. I don't usually sew too many hearts for love your Love boldly pattern!!!

  7. Looking forward to seeing your patchwork hearts WIP finished. I think it will look very sweet! xo

  8. Your present hearts project looks like a beauty.


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