Friday, February 28, 2025

Knot and Thread's All the Things Tote / Beauties Pageant 284

The past few days have been all about re-entering life as usual after an amazing QuiltCon in Phoenix. I had the best time at the conference, looking at quilty works of art, reconnecting with faraway friends in person, enjoying so much good food, and doing my fair share of shopping.

The All the Things Tote that I talked about in my last post was with me every step of the way. The pattern, by Knot and Thread, provides instructions for three sizes. I made the large one, skipping the suggested sturdy base, which I thought might be cumbersome on the plane and in the convention center.

I can’t say enough about this pattern. The adjective that I keep using to describe it is “slick.” I was a bag maker before I was a quilter, and I’ve sewn some elaborate bags. This is not one of them. I am confident that a quilter who’s embarking on a first bag project could get great results with this pattern.

The instructions are geared toward yardage, with a workaround if you’re sewing with a directional fabric. Of course, I complicated the situation by piecing my exterior panels with blocks from my upcoming book. It was 100% worth it! The bag was a great conversation starter as I walked the show floor last week, and everyone who commented on it was rewarded with a sticker sheet featuring other blocks from the book.

The pattern calls for machine sewing every step of the bag-making process, and I did that up until I had to finish the binding on each end of the bag. I knew I wouldn’t be able to top-stitch through that bulk as neatly as I wanted to, so I used a 12 weight Aurifil thread to hand-sew a chunky stitch on that section of the binding. I’m calling this decision the “the path of least swearing”!


All of the fabric selections are from Ruby Star Society except for the Bella Solid I chose as the lining. I particularly love the black Starry featured on the binding. If you take a peek in the pockets, though, you’ll see that I also used the small-scale white Starry. I went with the white Starry here mainly because I didn’t have enough of the Bella Solid for the pocket linings. I love the juxtaposition of the two Starry fabrics, though, so let’s call it a design decision!

If you’ve made an All the Things Tote, I want to see it! Link it, along with your other finishes, in the linky below!

Book Preorders: QuiltCon Special 

Even if you weren’t at conference, you can take advantage of my QuiltCon special: Preorder the book, and receive 2 PDF patterns free right now.
The preorder listing includes these instructions: To get the free patterns, add the book preorder to your cart. Then, navigating to the PDF Patterns page, add 2 PDF patterns to your cart. (You must add 2.) Upon checkout, use the discount QUILTCON.

Your patterns will be available for immediate download from an email that youll receive momentarily (check your spam folder if it doesn’t appear in your inbox after a few minutes). The book is slated to ship at the end of April 2025 via USPS.

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Quilters outside of the US: The cost of international shipping is ridiculous! As a result, this preorder is limited to US mailing addresses. Just because you live elsewhere on this planet, however, doesn’t mean you should miss out! Drop me a note ( after preordering or purchasing the book locally, and I will hook you up with your free patterns. : )

Follow Me On ...  

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Friday, February 14, 2025

Rainbows, Butterflies, and Kitties / Beauties Pageant 283

One of the joys of attending QuiltCon is seeing the practical handmade items other conference goers are wearing or carrying and having your own garment and bag projects appreciated by other sewists.

The past few years I’ve attended QuiltCon toting my Cargo Duffel bag (pictured below in early Amy Butler fabrics) and two infinity scarves (with Anna Maria lawns). The bag is roomy enough to carry all the necessities around the show, and the scarves are a great layer to add when the convention center gets chilly.

This year is was time for something new, so I’m sewing an All the Things Tote by Knot and Thread with blocks from my upcoming book release. The instructions in my book use jelly roll strips to create sizable block. Although the All the Things Tote is a generous 18 inches long and 11 inches tall, I still had to cut all the block dimensions in half to make them fit. Here’s how things are looking so far ...

I have a rainbow and butterfly ...


The sweetest kitty and flower ...


And a horseshoe? Yes, one of the projects in the book, named Lucky Medallion, is a medallion quilt that features a variety of good luck charms. The center of that quilt is this horseshoe.

I have less than a week to wrap this up, and I’m starting to sweat it! If you’ll be at QuiltCon, be on the lookout for me and my bag—I’d love to meet you in person! In fact, I’ll be talking about my book, showing off my bag blocks, and demoing how I use PreQuilt to visualize my designs in different color palettes. Head to the PreQuilt booth (#229) on Friday, February 21 at 11 a.m. to get in on the action. : )

Follow Me On ...  

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Friday, February 7, 2025

Book Preorders Open! / Beauties Pageant 282


I am pleased to announce that I’ve launched book preorders in my new Shopify store! To celebrate, I’m offering a limited-time bundle: preorder the book, and receive 2 PDF patterns free right now.
The preorder listing has all the details—with a bunch of styled pictures of the sample quilts, taken by Melanie Zacek. (Even if you’re not in the market for a new quilt book, the pictures are spectacular and worth a look!) 
To take advantage of the special offer, add the book preorder to your cart. Then, navigating to the PDF Patterns page, add 2 PDF patterns to your cart. (You must add 2.) Upon checkout, use the discount QUILTCON.

Your patterns will be available for immediate download from an email that youll receive momentarily (check your spam folder if it doesn’t appear in your inbox after a few minutes). The book is slated to ship at the end of April 2025 via USPS.

* * * 

Quilters outside of the US: The cost of international shipping is ridiculous! As a result, this preorder is limited to US mailing addresses. Just because you live elsewhere on this planet, however, doesn’t mean you should miss out! Drop me a note ( after preordering or purchasing the book locally, and I will hook you up with your free patterns. : )

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I’ll be taking a deep dive into the pattern collection in the upcoming weeks, telling you more about the backstory behind each pattern. I’ve been waiting not-so-patiently to get to this point! Eep—I’m so excited to share these projects with you!
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I invested a lot of time and effort to assemble this collection of patterns in book form, and I wasn’t alone in the endeavor ... Gailen Runge, the creative director at C&T Publishing, helped me make this book-writing dream a reality. Moda fulfilled my fabric-y dreams by supplying so many jelly rolls and so much yardage—the samples are all the better for it. And the Warm Company shipped me a big old bolt of Warm & White. As a quilter who loves light backgrounds, that’s been my preferred batting for the past 10 years. : )

Follow Me On ...  

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter