Friday, December 18, 2020

Elephant Caravan Quilt / Beauties Pageant 110

It’s been such a weird year, quilty friends, and I’ve been celebrating every accomplishment I can. Some days, that could be getting showered and dressed before I walk my son out to the school van. Other days, it’s having the emotional wherewithal to exercise even though I would rather not or to clean my house even though no one but my family will see it to appreciate it (and let’s face it: I live with three boys who will not appreciate it). Today my accomplishment is a finish that I’m calling Elephant Caravan.

It’s a simple design with good-size blocks, and I was thankful to find this design in my copy of Fat Quarterly Shape Workshop for Quilters. The pattern, called Cub Crawl, was designed by John Q. Adams, aka Quilt Dad. (BTW: What happened to him? He seemed to fall off the face of the modern-quilting world a few years ago after writing multiple books and being an integral part of the Fat Quarterly team.)

I honestly don’t know what I would have sewn if I hadn’t stumbled upon this pattern. I had a bundle of Birch Organics fabrics to build this quilt around, and I wanted to feature the elephants without chopping them up too much. The long rectangular blocks were the perfect solution, and I easily fleshed out the fabric pull with other bits from the Birch bundle as well as solids and geometrics from my scraps and stash. Discerning eyes will see some of Zen Chic’s Comma collection and Bonnie and Camille’s Miss Kate line, all oldies but goodies. : )

I finished off the project with more Miss Kate on the back, simple diagonal quilting, and a Grunge binding with fabric left over from this project.

Have you finished a project this week? Share your triumphs—quilt related and otherwise!—in the linky and comments below. 
Before I sign off, I have a few housekeeping items to address ...
Next Beauties Pageant on January 8
Because Christmas and New Year’s Day fall on the next two Fridays, I won’t be posting another Beauties Pageant until the first Friday in 2021. But save up those finishes—we will want to hear all about them on January 8!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. No matter how small the accomplishment, it's still an accomplishment. ☺ I love this pattern. Cute elephants. Merry Christmas.

  2. Elephant Caravan is an awesome finish! The colors in it are really interesting. Not bright, but neither are they pastel - somewhere in between.

    I’m with you about celebrating anything I accomplish. This year forces that, but I’ve come to the conclusion, it’s something we should have been doing all along.

    Have a wonderful holiday!


  3. Your Elephant Caravan quilt is wonderful! It's a great design for featuring those fabrics. Know what you mean about not feeling like doing anything, and also about cleaning. We're only two, and even weekly housework seems like a waste of time. Enjoy this holiday season!

  4. Hi Michelle, your Elephant Caravan quilt is perfect for those fabrics. I hope that you have a great holiday and see you in the new year! Take care.

  5. This is a great design for these fabrics that are to cute to cut into small pieces, I really like it!


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