Friday, August 21, 2020

The Starry Night / Beauties Pageant 94

Many thanks for all the words of advice and encouragement over the past week. Some days I feel like a pandemic master—full of energy and drive and ready to finish all the things. Other days I have to talk myself into tackling the dirty dishes. I know that I’m not the only one who’s struggling with motivation right now. : /

One of the projects I completed during the intentional reset I talked about last week is my version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night rendered in over seven thousand “diamonds.” (The diamonds are really tiny faceted plastic gems, but they sparkle nonetheless.)

I bought this diamond-painting project as a kit from Joann that I could do with my older son this summer. The canvas came preprinted and covered in an adhesive. All he and I needed to do is dip the stylus in wax (both implements are pictured below), pick up a gem with it, and place the gem on the appropriate spot on the canvas. In that way, diamond painting is reminiscent of cross-stitch or paint by number.

Diamond painting proved to be an easy craft—although my son abandoned me a third of the way through Starry Night!—and a nice way to Zen out during all this time at home.

The plan is to frame the canvas and hang it in my son’s room.

In sewing-related news, I am getting closer to returning to my machine. If all goes well, I’ll have a quilty finish next week! 

If you’ve been able to push a project across the finish line, we want to hear about it. Post your finish in the linky below!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. Starry Night is really neat. Before I read the information, I thought maybe it was an art quilt! This sounds like a good covid project and will look very nice in your son's room. Happy stitching!

  2. Sewing is an awesome way to spend our time but some days it just doesn't work out. Hard to be a mom in these trying times - I get it. So do what works and don't sweat the small stuff Michelle. Take care.

  3. Ooh, Starry Night is so pretty! And yes, I can relate to the ups and downs regarding motivation. I don’t think we should beat ourselves up about it though. Living through the pandemic is just exhausting sometimes.

  4. I'm avoiding the dishes as well!!! LOL A little easier for me since it's only me in the house. I've heard of these diamond paintings, but I didn't know what they actually were. This is very interesting. It looks great.

  5. Wow! Starry Night is gorgeous. (How did you stick with it long enough to get it finished? I give you lots of credit for getting 7,000 diamonds on the canvas. Amazing. I have my moments of blah but have been able to get excited about either the book I'm reading or the quilt I'm working on. I'm looking forward to whatever project draws you back into quilting.

  6. This is amazing. Starry Night is one of our favorite Van Gough's. Beautiful!

  7. Again, I don't have any quilt finishes to share. I'm just making progress on a variety of sewing and handwork-type things. Nice that you could start a project with your son, but I also understand how boys aren't always into crafts and such. How do I know? Four grandsons. I'm reading on Instagram about quilters' moods. Pandemic moods are definitely prevalent these days.

  8. Starry night is amazing and looks like a ton of work! You must be very patient with so many small pieces. Dexterity is a must as well!


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