Friday, August 28, 2020

Pageant Highlight Reel / Beauties Pageant 95

I am officially back at it, sewing and quilting up a storm at my house over the past week. I finished binding one project—photos are forthcoming—and designed and started a second. In my happy place, I’ll finish that this weekend and move on to basting and quilting next week. People, there’s no stopping me! I feel focused and motivated, and I’m hoping it lasts. (The fact that in-person school starts for my boys in 19 days helps. Ha!)

Something I’ve been good at during this time of hunkering down at home has been starting few new projects and tackling those that were already on my to-do list. It hasn’t been easy. Recent Beauties Pageants have been a source of temptation ...

Nancy of Grace and Peace Quilting quilted the project at the top of the post for Quilter Bonnie, and I really wanted to replicate it at my own machine. I mean, it features my favorite fabric designer (Denyse Schmidt) and my favorite complementary color palette (blue and orange). I even found a bundle of the same fabric collection on sale online, and I resisted.

And then Afton of Quilting Mod posted a tutorial for this sweet crab block. I have been wanting to make another beach-themed quilt since making Ahoy Sailor last year, and Mr. Crab was too cute. But I resisted (for now)!
I think we can agree, however, that my true Achille’s heal when starting projects is Christmas quilts. I’ve finished three this year alone and have two others that are in process. So when Susan of QuiltFabrication unveiled her Reindeer Wreath and I determined that I had fabric on hand to make my own, I came close to adding it to my to-do list. So. Very. Close. But I resisted. ; )
OK, now it’s your turn. What have you been working on in the past week?

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. Wow, thanks for featuring Quilter Bonnie's quilt!!!

  2. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling excited and motivated about sewing again, and I look forward to seeing what you are working on. :)

  3. Glad you're back in a sewing groove. I lost mine a little bit this week, but hoping to make up for it this weekend. ☺

  4. I think we're all going through slumps right now. My world is starting to be Groundhog Day!

  5. I am glad to read you are feeling so motivated and powerfull. Temptation is always high - and this month I was not doing so well with the resisting part. But at least I had a small finish :) Hugs & stay well xo Melanie

  6. Hi Michelle,
    Thanks for featuring my quilt. I am blessed to have a sister to do my longarm quilting!
    I have a daughter with Down syndrome who is 22. I love the quilt you made in honor of your son. It is awesome!
    Wishing you all the best!
    Quilter Bonnie

  7. Sounds like you are on a roll and getting lots of quilty things done! I totally understand about the sewing slump! Thanks for hosting!


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