Friday, June 26, 2020

Warm and Cool Coin Quilt / Beauties Pageant 87

I am happy to announce that the first From Bolt to Beauty pattern—my Warm and Cool Coin Quilt—is officially available for immediate download in my Etsy shop.
As a modern twist on the tried-and-true coin quilt, this pattern is very “me.” That traditional, bold geometry, however, is turned on its head with the simple addition of a diagonal line, which gives you the quilter an opportunity to play with color. You could separate your fabric into warm and cool color groupings, divide your scraps into two complementary color palettes, or create your own unique approach.

I made the lap-size cover quilt with a layer cake of Kate Spain’s Canyon collection. I have a second version, made with scraps, that just needs to be bound. I hope to unveil that soon!

For me, different designs check off different boxes, and this pattern ...

* Can work with precuts or scraps. The instructions are written for layer cakes, fat eighths, and scraps.

* Is a quick and easy sew. In particular, if you use precuts, you can whip up this top up in a weekend.

* Offers a variety of sizes. Directions for baby, lap, and twin quilts are included.

* Is good for all levels of experience. This pattern requires a combination of traditional piecing and simple paper-piecing, making it a good way for a beginner to try out a new technique. (Tutorial on paper-piecing coming soon!) But if you’re an experienced quilter with a bin full of scraps, this will be a satisfying sew for you, too.

This pattern was professionally designed and tech-edited. It also was thoroughly tested by a small army of quilters in three different countries. : ) I’ll be highlighting testers’ quilt tops on Instagram in the coming days, but here is a sneak peek ...

Kim (@serenityquilts on Instagram) juxtaposed two colorways of Alison Glass fabrics for her lap-size quilt. The bold colors on a crisp white background makes for stunning quilt top!

Photo courtesy of @serenityquilts

Beth (@bcurran322 on Instagram) broke into a bundle of Tula Pink’s Dots and Stripes to create her own beauty. It never would have occurred to me to use just two prints in different colorways for this project, but it completely works. It’s a show stopper!

Photo courtesy of @bcurran322

I’m especially excited to partner with Quilt Pattern Mart for this release. QPM debuted a few months ago as a one-stop shop for PDF patterns. The brainchild of Heather Kinion, it offers patterns from many well-known modern quilt designers ... and now me!
This pattern is exclusively available in my Etsy shop!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. What a pretty and easy design! The split in the overall arrangement really makes an impact. It would certainly look good in scraps. I hope your pattern sales are successful.

  2. Congratulations on having the pattern released on Quilt Pattern Mart!

  3. This design really "talks" to me. I tend to make easier quilts because I am usually sewing to support charity needs. This one checks a lot of my boxes -- easy, uses scraps, can be bold or subdued depending on choices, and different from any patterns I've seen recently. I'm looking forward to seeing other versions.

  4. Hi Michelle! Congrats on your first pattern! QPM sounds like it might be a great replacement for BluPrint. Your design looks wonderful and your testers really took the challenge and ran with it. Two completely different feelings of the color palettes yet but are distinctive and lovely. Thanks so much for the linky party today. Enjoy your weekend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Congratulations!!! It's a great pattern. Love both tops by your testers.

  6. Hi Michelle, congrats on your first pattern release. They look great!

  7. Congratulations Michelle! I hadn't heard of QPM, looks like a great place for patterns. Love this!

  8. Congratulations Michelle!! So impressed with how you find time to do all you do! Great pattern too!

  9. Cute and fun pattern! I favor the last one!

  10. Congrats on the pattern release - I hadn't heard about QPM but it is a great idea. Lots of my customers want the PDF version of patterns I carry (I only sell hard copy patterns) and this is a good solution - having them available in one spot. I do love this pattern. But no new projects for me. I need to finish the jelly roll top I am working on already!! I haven't sewn in at least a week. Kind of lost interest for a few days - it happens. :-)


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