Friday, June 5, 2020

An Easy, Breezy Quilt-Along / Beauties Pageant 84

Friends, I needed a reason to smile this week, so I started sewing a new version of my Ridiculously Easy Jelly Roll Quilt. Can I interest you in joining me in an easy, breezy quilt-along?

The plan is simple: Start when you want, finish when you want, sew at the speed that works for you!

I will be posting any in-progress shots on my Instagram account with the hashtag  #RidiculouslyEasyJellyRollQuilt. If you want to keep tabs on this project, that’s the place to be.

Everyone is a winner in this quilt-along, and the prize is the satisfaction of making something beautiful with your own two hands. HA!

To get started on your own Ridiculously Easy Jelly Roll Quilt, purchase the pattern here!

Beginner quilters, this is truly an easy pattern. As long as you know how to work your sewing machine, can read a pattern, and can sew a consistent quarter-inch seam, you’re good to go. And there is a small army of experienced quilters on Instagram who would love to answer any questions for you along the way.

By the way, I am sewing my project with a jelly roll of Basic Grey’s Gypsy Soul, pictured above, which I purchased at Green Fairy Quilts. Judi and Clint have a bunch of Moda precuts at good prices, and I received my fabric in just over a week. (I know many online retailers are behind in filling orders, so I was pleased with this turnaround and shipment from Utah to Massachusetts.)

I have so many quilts in the queue right now: Two just arrived at the longarmer, another is ready for quilting on my domestic, and yet another just needs to be bound. So of course, I started a new project. If you have one that’s crossed the finish line recently, good for you! Share it below, in this week’s linky.

Follow Me On ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. I love the Green Fairy - fast almost always!

  2. I have a quilt that is on the floor partially basted. I'm excited to get to the quilting, but clearly not excited enough to finish the basting job. Maybe today...

  3. Love your interpretation of this quilt along! I am joining in. I found a pack with a leftover bundle of strips so I need to cut more strips that match it. Hope to get that done this weekend. The timing of this QAL is really INTENSE. Hahaha. Thanks Michelle.

  4. LOL, sounds like you aren't going to run out of quilts to bind any time soon! Lovely colors you are using.

  5. I saw you were doing a QAL, but I forgot to print off the pattern, so clearly I'm behind already. LOL I pulled some backing for a few quilt tops last weekend. So hoping to get at least one finished this weekend.

  6. It's so nice to see what you're making, and offering as a free quilt-along. Your fabrics are lovely! Would you believe... I've never bought a jelly roll in my 40-plus years of quiltmaking? Jelly rolls and precuts really don't appeal to me because I feel that they lock me into my fabric choices. I'm a half-yard stash-builder, and very happy to go along like that. No doubt everyone will enjoy sewing strips together for a fast quilt. You're generous to offer this.

  7. I can attest to how easy your Jelly Roll quilt is, I have made one and another started! It's easy but still lots of fun!

  8. Thank you for the wonderful pattern! It is lovely!

  9. Thank you for the pattern! I looked in m y stash and would you believe found a 30 piece store-cut jelly roll from ages ago. I consider that destiny! Finished the first round of sewing and now onto placement of the strips.
    Also, thank you for keeping to quilt related topics and not 'going political'. I really appreciate that.

  10. Enjoy your fast and fun sewing! You have been finishing things left, right & center so this might just be the palette cleanser or play pause you need :)


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