Friday, December 6, 2019

Ho, Ho, Snow / Beauties Pageant 59

For some of us in New England, last weekend’s Thanksgiving break was extended two days due to the arrival of 18-plus inches of snow. We were given ample time to prepare for this storm both logistically and emotionally, but I was not ready. Usually the snow season starts with a few inches here and there, which can often melt with a warm day or two. That way, we ease into winter. But there’s no turning back from a foot and a half of snow. Farewell, lawn! I’ll see you in April!

Luckily, I had a project that was easily worked on in the short spurts of sewing my family affords me on snow days.

This project is Sterling Sewn’s new Log Cabin Home for the Holidays pattern, which I tested back in October. I plan to make a few mini-quilts with this pattern and gift them at Christmas. I especially like the one I’ve completed in its entirety over those snowy days (see the picture at the top of the post). The palette has a vintage quality to it—with a red and green that’s not the typical holiday red and green and the introduction of a pale blue. I continued this effect in the scrappy background with off-whites, bits of Grunge in paper white, and cream.

It’s a treat to work on smaller projects. Mini-quilts and table runners allow me more opportunities to develop palettes and fabric pulls, which is the most enjoyable part of sewing for me. (WHAT?! I never would have said that five years ago. I definitely need to delve deeper into that in a future post.)

I don’t know how many of these minis I’ll be able to wrap up in time for gift giving. A second mini, already quilted and ready to be bound (see pics above and below), is in more traditional holiday colors. I hope to start a third this weekend in a yet-to-be developed color combination.

Who else has a finish to share for the past two weeks? Please upload it to this week’s Beauties Pageant!

By the way, my apologies for being a no-show last Friday. I reserve the right to flake out every so often, and instead of posting something then, I worked on submitting projects to QuiltCon and Paducah. It was annoying and I would have rather spent the time writing a post, but the submissions are done, done, done!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. We have yet to see snow in south central PA, and I'm totally ok with it! I'm not working on any Christmas sewing at all this year -- which is kind of freeing, actually.

  2. 18 inches? Yikes that is a ton Michelle. What a sweet and modern holiday mini. Really cute pattern. I finished nothing of note this week. It is the season where I made little custom orders for my shop so I am not doing a ton of quilting right now. I am also making a few holiday gifts but won't share those until after they are gifted. So, no link up from me this week! Have a great weekend :-)

  3. That is a lot of snow to start with! Here in Newfoundland, we got a few inches of snow yesterday, with no wind at all, so it all looked so beautiful on the trees :) Your minis are beautiful and they'll make great gifts.

  4. I was also pretty unprepared for the 9+" of snow we received over Thanksgiving - we at most have gotten 2 or 3 inches at one time, and I've lived here 12 years. It made for a cozy Thanksgiving at home (yay, quilting time), but it has me wondering if we are in for a doozy of a winter!

    I'm glad you had a project to work on during your spare moments and think it will make a great Christmas gift!

  5. I'm sorry about all your snow, but I am soooooooooooo glad we didn't get it. ☺ I'm starting to think that minis and baby quilts are the way to go.

  6. Hi Michelle. It's been a while since I've stopped in. I'm not getting many finishes I guess but I'll be here on Friday. Don't worry about flaking you are in good company. Regarding the weather up here in Ontario we get snow then rain then snow then rain and I for one would much prefer to just get the snow and keep it till spring. Have fun working on all your minis.

  7. I really need to figure out smaller projects... I am currently only sewing "big" quilts :) And so glad we do not get snow. 18 inches sounds like A LOT!!! Christmas projects: I need to finish one bag as a present for my nephew. And for myself I might finish the snowflake but it is a big might... we will still have a Christmas in 2020 right? :)) xo Melanie


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