Friday, March 4, 2022

Kitchen Table Quilting's Fire Truck Quilt / Beauties Pageant 165

Pulling fabric for a new project is my most favorite part of the quilt-making process. And although I make plenty of quilts that focus on a single designers prints, if not one collection in particular, I especially enjoy making scrappy quilts. After all, scrappy projects require a lot of fabric decisions.

You can see my latest scrappy quilt in these pictures. Its a simple designa pixelated fire truck from a free tutorial by Erica Jackman, of Kitchen Table Quiltingbut it took me years to cut the necessary 750 squares because my fabric hoard lacked the variety to make the fire truck super scrappy. After culling through my stash and scraps an initial time, I set everything aside and waited (after all, the fabric scene at my house grows and evolves over time). I searched through my fabric again a year or so later and cut more squares. Nope, still not enough. And then recently, with the birth of a friend’s little boy on the horizon, it was time to start sewing.

I love how scrappy quilts tell a story only their makers can read. You may look at these pictures and note the spectrum of colors and designs or the fabrics you have in your stash, too. I look at them and see scraps I was given by different friends, leftover bits from this project or that, fabric I found on my last retreat with my guild. I can spot the remnants of the first fat quarter bundle I ever bought and that print I thought Id never find a project for. : )

This is my first pixelated quilt. It will not be my last! I have been itching to make a Hello Kitty pixelated quilt that made its rounds on blogs and Instagram years ago. I have a two-year-old niece who loves the Hello Kitty Squishmallow I got her for her birthday. Im thinking she needs a quilt to go with it!

Have you make a pixelated quilt? If you have, please share it with the rest of us in the linky below. 

Linking up with Needle and Thread Thursday ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. I'm glad that you finally got enough variety to make that quilt. It looks like it will be darling. And Hello Kitty will be just too cute. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Oh Michelle, that is amazing! I love how a scrappy quilt can tell a store of so many previous quilts and memories.

  3. What an awesome firetruck. I love it! And what memories you have with this piece. Happy quilting.

  4. Hi Michelle! I love scrappy quilts for the very reasons you list. Seeing fabrics that friends have given us or leftovers from other projects are sweet memories. No one else knows those little secrets but they make the quilt all the more special. Not only is your love woven throughout the quilt but often friends' love as well. It sweet to think of the recipient being covered in all those good wishes, isn't it? A firetruck is such a fun project and it makes me long to make one for my little ones . . . right this minute! Thank you for the link to the tutorial. Sigh. I do not need another squirrel running amok in my sewing room. It already looks like an a very messy person lives there. HAHA! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. What a great pattern. Can't wait to see your finish. Good luck.

  6. How nice to be sewing scrappy! It seems lots of quilter-bloggers are sewing scraps these days. In fact, I'm more like you... not having enough scraps of a particular color to be able to created a planned design. But happily, a friend is mailing me a box of her scraps! I can't wait to get them. As for pixilated, I've never made such a quilt. Guess that's because I can't think of a design that I want as a quilt. But that fire truck is sure cute, and will be the perfect gift for your friend's son. Enjoy this, and making a Hello Kitty quilt. Having a reason to make them is the best excuse for creating!

  7. I am a huge fan of pixelated quilts and scrappy is a bonus!

  8. Hi Michelle, that's going to be a great quilt! I'm not a fan of pixelated quilts but I do love scrappy quilts. Have fun and thanks for the linking party!


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