Friday, April 16, 2021

A Patriotic Pillow / Beauties Pageant 125

I love when the online quilting community rallies for a good cause. Its something that seems to come naturally to us as quilters. So when Karen Dorey was diagnosed with breast cancer, I wasnt surprised to learn that her friends Mia and Melanie were planning an auction on Instagram to support their friend and defray the cost of her medical care.

The auction will take place in two weeks, on April 30 and May 1, at a dedicated Instagram feed: @gopinkforkaren. Our hosts expect to post auction items (with the comments disabled) in the near future, so follow the auction feed now to see the drool-worthy creations and quilting supplies (read: fabric!) that will be available for bids at the end of the month.

My contribution to this effort is my recently finished patriotic pillow, pictured at the top of the post. This is the bonus block design that comes with my Love Boldly pattern. I like how it came out so much that for the upcoming quilt-along (read all the details here), I am making a throw-size quilt out of nine of these flag blocks.

Im working ahead of schedule, sewing blocks, taking pictures, and writing copy for the newsletter that accompanies the quilt-along. Below is my first block, and its such a beauty. At first I thought I would have to buy new fabric for this endeavor, but I realized that the blues and reds in Basic Grey’s Biscuits and Gravy collection, which was conveniently living in my stash, would work well. Basic Grey is one of my favorite design houses, and Biscuits and Gravy makes for a dreamy American flag palette. Love!

Ive mentioned before that this block entails a clever (if I do say so myself!) sew-cut-resew technique. See what I mean in this Instagram reel. : )

One of my pattern testers, Mary, tried out this bonus design, too, and I had to include it here. Its so smart. If only the navy background would camouflage Golden Retriever hair, I would use it myself!

I have been somewhat obsessed with American flag quilts, so the fact that I could take my Love Boldly block and transform it into an American flag was a nice surprise. (It look me well over a year after initially designing the striped-heart block to look at it and see a flag!) I have a fledgling Pinterest board on flag quilts. If you have suggestions on what I should add to it, Im all ears! And if you have a flag finish of your own in the archives, post it to this week’s Beauties Pageant. Yes, please!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.


  1. Your pillow is beautiful, Michelle! I hope it does well in the auction, and that all the others do, too.

  2. I really like the navy background as well, and I hear you on it not hiding golden retriever hair. Happy Friday! I look forward to seeing your lap size version come together; the unexpected print in your version is lovely.

  3. Fabulous flag heart pillow. I am ready for some patriotic quilting too. Have a great weekend.


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