Friday, February 28, 2020

I Need Another Rainbow Project / Beauties Pageant 71

Hello and happy Friday!

You may not have noticed: I’ve been on a finishing streak lately. For the past four Fridays, I have posted finishes big and small. (Take a moment to ponder this accomplishment and perhaps gape in awe.) But, alas, this week’s doctor appointments, trek to IKEA, and fabric shopping adventure with a friend (!) have all undermined my productivity at my machine.

Time away from sewing inevitably results in one thing: plotting future projects. And after my recent rainbow-y finish, I am hankering for another ROYGBIV quilt.

I don’t consider myself much of a rainbow-making quilter, in part because I gift most of my projects and I’m never sure which friend would appreciate a quilt with all the colors. But it’s fun to play with the full spectrum, and it’s impossible to see a rainbow in fabric form without smiling.

So the question is, what should I make?! I adore the hexie pillow I appliqued and quilted ...

And that colored-pencil roll was most satisfying ...

I want to go super scrappy, though. Maybe my own version of Kelly’s Popsicle Party is in order? If you have a favorite pattern or project that’s perfect for a rainbow array of fabrics, please share in the comments.

The Winner!

The winner of last week’s giveaway is tubakk. That set of row markers will be making its way across the Atlantic to its new owner soon.  : )

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. That Popsicle Party sure would be fun to make! I love your rainbow pillow, too :)

  2. Your hexie pillow is beautiful, it may be gorgeous in one big quilt ;))

  3. Rainbow can be super satisfying and always brings a smile. :) Congratulations on all the finishes lately!

  4. Hi Michelle! I love rainbow projects myself. I linked up a quilt I made late last year which is very colorful - maybe you'll find some inspiration from one of those. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. IKEA and fabric shopping are a great way to spend the week!!!

  6. I agree with Anja - sounds like you had a great week. But that roll up rainbow pouch is adorable. I love the creativity - so cool.

  7. Oh wow! Holy Moly do I ever love this pillow! The quilting is perfect for it as well!

  8. Thank you so much Michelle. I just sent you a mail.

  9. Hi Michelle, I really, really love your rainbow hexies pillow!

  10. I agree that it's refreshing to make smaller things, and actually see some finishes. I understand that because the two quilts I've been working on for the past six weeks - free motion quilting, and hand quilting - are seeming to take FOREVER! Rainbows. Hexies. Equaling a fast finish? I'm there!

  11. I love my rainbow projects. They are just sewing smiles thrown in between the more color restricted projects. So yes, to another fun rainbow :) I am just starting another version of my soon to be released pattern in rainbow. Yeah! Hope you find something fun too. xo Melanie


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