Friday, November 23, 2018

A Stash-Busting Rainbow / Beauties Pageant 9

This pencil roll is a rainbow project of mine from 2014.

I started pulling and cutting fabric for a project this week. There is no rational reason for me to be starting something new—some quilty deadlines have come and gone (without the required finish), while others loom in the not-so-distant future—but it was fun to spend time in my stash and use my rotary blade to commit to a palette and design.

The results of that playtime is a rainbow of 27 fabrics ...

So pretty, right?!

I’m not a big rainbow maker (although I have an acute weakness for rainbows of Alison Glass fabrics), but I love how a disparate mix of prints find unity in a spectrum of colors.

I’ll be following Allison Harris’s Strip and Flip Baby Quilt tutorial to make two baby quilts with these fabrics. Why two quilts when I don’t even have one baby to sew for these days? The way I see it, if I’m going to cull through my stash to find 27 fabrics that work together, I might as well make two!

I can’t wait to sew these strips into something beautiful. : )

In other quilty news, I just need to bind and photograph my two-color challenge quilt for QuiltCon before sharing it with you. Yahoo—a finish is coming!

Until then, I’m excited to see what you’re up to. Share your recent finish in this week’s linky!

The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

(Linkup closed)

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  1. i'm looking forward to seeing your two colour challenge and I love the rainbow.

    1. Michelle. I can't figure out how to capture your button for my blog.

    2. Anyone can snag the button above by right-clicking and saving it. (Or drop me an email, and I'll send it to you.) : )

  2. I can't wait to see your two color quilt! I'm sure it's going to be amazing!

  3. Hi Michelle! Ooh, I am a big lover of anything in rainbow hues. Then, to learn to pulled all of these beauties from you stash!! I am very much duly impressed. I totally agree that you may as well make two since you went to all that work in the first place, plus it sounds like a squirrel to me. I just took pictures of one that jump in line for me as well. HAHA! Happy Happy Friday! I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. We don't always need a *rational* reason to start something new. I think your pull is lovely and I look forward to seeing the quilts come together!

  5. I love your rationale about making two since you are prepping that much fabric. That makes total sense to me. You know you will find a purpose for both baby quilts. Look forward to seeing them!!

  6. I'm always starting new projects...when I have plenty to keep me busy LOL Good luck with the two new quilts. Your logic makes sense. ☺

  7. Hihi, I know that feeling so well :) Though I am currently making lots of progress at last. But still not so sure about my own Deadlines … I think sometimes we need this in between new project to find the joy/motivation again. Hope you find the right mixture for yourself. Looking forward to seeing the finished two color quilt! xo

  8. This looks like fun, can't wait to see more!

  9. Yay! You finished your two-color quilt! I can't wait to see it!


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