And I wanted to extend a big thank-you to everyone who entered and to those new followers who are giving From Bolt to Beauty a test-drive.
I knew that giving away a cool prize would be fun, but I didn’t foresee how much I’d enjoy reading the comments. I’m still working my way through them, having decided early on that I wanted to respond to each one. How could I resist? Hearing what everyone had to say about their expectations for the new year made me feel the same way I do when I leave a guild meeting: These are my people! I went so long without taking part in a sewing community. Now that I have crafty connections—both in person and online—I can’t imagine being without them.
One final thought: If you’re a blog reader who doesn’t comment on posts—whether here or elsewhere—can I make a recommendation? Start commenting. I lurked in the shadows of the blogosphere for years, thinking I was getting everything out of it that I could. But things changed when I began commenting. Truly, you have more insight and experience that is worth sharing than you think!
OK, I have a quilt to baste! Good luck with your holiday to-do list!

Congratulations to Kat! She'll be happy with her super prize! I so agree with what you say about commenting, it's so much more fun being a participant rather than a observer.