Friday, June 28, 2024

Why Do Quilts Take So Long to Make? / Beauties Pageant 257

I am still surprised, some 11 years after finishing my first quilt, by how much time a quilt requires to make.

Why don’t I hit my step goal on certain days? Because quilts take so long to make! (And I get zero steps while sitting at my sewing machine.)

Why don’t I have an immaculate house/cook amazing meals/complete my other to-do lists? Because quilts take so long to make! (And clearly, I have questionable priorities.)

Why don’t I have anything to show this week? Because quilts take so long to make! (And all I have are a few partially pieced Tall Tale blocks that I didn’t bother to photograph.)

But who did cross the quilty finish line with a project recently? These Beauties Pageant participants ...

First up, is Lisa’s Pretty Birds (pattern by Elizabeth Hartman) ...

Then there is Nancy’s version of Amalie Supersized (pattern by GE Designs) ...

And finally, check out Kathleen’s version of Luminous Layers (pattern by MMM Quilts) ...

Looking at these lovelies gives me a thrill, because the next-best thing to celebrating my own finish, of course, is celebrating others’. Do you have finished block, quilt top, or finish this week? We want to see it. Post it to this week’s Beauties Pageant!

Follow Me On ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a quilt finish every week to share, a clean house, fresh home cooked meals 3 times a day, with time to spare for all the exercise we need? Ah well, it's always good to know I'm not the only one not able to do ALL of the things (and in fact, I'm not sure anyone can)!

  2. Hi Michelle, you are absolutely correct - quilts do take a long time to make. It's one of many reasons why I love making art and small quilts. Most of my UFOs are large quilts that need to be finished piecing or day :-) As for cooking and cleaning, my priorities are well known - and it's not them!!! Have a good week.

  3. I'm always surprised by how long it takes to piece a quilt. You'd think I'd have learned that after all these years but I'm still surprised. Happy stitching!

  4. I'm all for quilting taking priority over lots of other things. I've got a lot of tops waiting for quilting. I'm trying to make a dent in the collection by quilting 2 or 3 every month. It doesn't happen every month but I am making progress...until I hang a new top in there.

  5. Lol - I will steal that excuse the next time I do not get something done or decide on a different priority ;) xo


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