
Friday, September 13, 2024

Have You Seen My Sewjo? / Beauties Pageant 264

Thank you for your kind words about my upcoming book release! As I wrote in the acknowledgments to that collection of patterns, I owe so much to this blogging community. I wouldn’t be the quilter I am today without the encouragement and mad quilting skills I’ve encountered here. So again, thank you!

Designing the projects and writing the book required a ton of time and effort. Then there was the not-so-small matter of making all 14 projects, which range in size from wall hangings to bed-size quilts, over the course of nine months. At this point, the big milestones—the text, illustrations, and photographs—are finished, but there’s still work to do.

The result of this process? I am one tired quilter, and it has affected my nonbook projects. I’ve been thinking a lot about quilting, doodling ideas and considering whether I should attempt a QuiltCon submission, but the mere thought of those projects I began and then set aside to work on the book makes me want to cower under my sewing table. Where do I start?

Without the urgency to get any project in particular done, I came up with a plan. I’m tackling the lowest-hanging fruit. First, I bound the Kitty Cat quilt I got back from my longarmer a few weeks ago (here’s a shot of the flimsy before quilting) ...

Then I quilted a throw that has been basted for over a year (it’s Camille Roskelley’s Patchwork Sky pattern and is great for jelly rolls) ...

After binding that—perhaps this weekend?—I’ll move on to whatever WIP is furthest along in the quilt-making process (Rosemary quilt, I am looking at you!) ...

It’s worth noting that I am buying zero fabric because new fabric is just future WIPs, and my brain does not have the capacity to consider additional projects!

A few questions for you in conclusion ... How do you revive your sewjo? And when faced with a mountain of WIPs, where do you start? I know Leanne at Devoted Quilter will be launching her annual WIPS-B-GONE challenge soon. I’m super bad at following sewalongs and such unless I organize them myself, but that event may be the kick in the pants I need to forge ahead!

Follow Me On ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Woot woot! I am so excited for you, Michelle! Congratulations on your upcoming book release! I think the dip in your sewjo is totally normal under the circumstances. Your kitty cats and star quilts are both really pretty and I'm looking forward to seeing how they were quilted. Happy binding and happy taking-it-easy-cuz-you-earned it!

  2. Love your 'rosemary' quilt, such an amazing colour combo.


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