
Friday, August 9, 2024

Some Kitty Cats / Beauties Pageant 261

** I’m sick on the couch this week. Catch me next Friday, August 30, with the release of my latest Almost Free for Charity quilt pattern, Zip It Good! ** 

The summers here at From Bolt to Beauty world headquarters follow the same trajectory each year: Things start off slowly as we struggle to establish some semblance of a routine. Then things get cooking. We go from a minor simmer to full-on boil overnight, and then it’s go, go, go until school opens again. It’s fun but also a little exhausting.

Meanwhile, I’m plotting how to squeeze in some quilting time and developing unrealistic expectations for what I will be able to accomplish come fall because it’s virtually impossible to check something off my to-do list during the summer.

And yet, I just may finish something after all. Pictured here are is my Kitty Cats quilt (pattern by Cluck Cluck Sew), which I dropped off at the longarmer this week. This beauty will get the edge-to-edge panto treatment with chunky swirls that are reminiscent of cat tails.

I’ve also made great progress on my EPP project (read last week’s post here). The dozen blocks I wanted to make for my Rosemary Quilt are complete, I’ve decided on the final layout, and I started to machine-applique the EPP blocks to the background fabric.

I’ve had so much fun with these blocks—and summer commitments will create more opportunities for hand sewing this next week—that I’ve decided to make another. Rosemary #2 will feature Eden, a collection by Gabrielle Neil for Riley Black, which I used for Snapdragon Cove. There’s something nice about having an entire fabric line at the ready for those situations when you don’t have the bandwidth to curate a fabric pull yourself. This was one of those times.

Have you found time to be productive at your machine this summer? I know it’s a balancing act, especially if you’re like me, with kids out of school and at home. I’d love to see what you’re working on (a finished block is a finish in my book!). Upload your beauties to the linky below ...

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Both your quilts here have the same color scheme and I'm lovin' it!!! I'm excited to see your kitties all quilted up! Have a fun next couple of weeks of summer, Michelle!

  2. Hi Michelle, that is going to be a great quilt! Good luck with the rest of the summer.

  3. I've never visited your blog before. Your Rosemary quilt is very sweet, the color choices are especially nice.

  4. Love the floral cats. Absolutely adorable! I got no patience for EPP, so kudos to you!

  5. Love the colors in your EPP projects. I recently saw the same pattern with Stitched in Color. It seems like a cool starter EPP quilt. Because you fill it up with a lot of big blocks ;) Though I have no idea how you can hide the tail at the point when you applique it... Enjoy the rest of summer! xo


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