
Friday, May 24, 2024

The Scrappiest Stars / Beauties Pageant 252

Over the past few weeks, Ive been addressing the mountain of scraps in my house. It has been a big time suck, but I see the light at the end of the fabric-y tunnel.

Part of this process has involved putting some scraps to use right away, and Ive cut maybe a half-dozen projects. Has doing so complicated my efforts? Yes, it most certainly has. But if Im going to be touching almost every piece of fabric I own in an attempt to organize it, I might as well pull fabric for some projects.

The scrappiest of those projects is Quilty Stars, a pattern by Emily Dennis and the first of hers that Ive sewn. (Can that be right? Ive never made one of her patterns before?) Its a little outside of my comfort zone because its just so very scrappy. I think a more Michelle approach would have been to make two quilts, one with solid stars and a scrappy background and one with scrappy stars and a solid background, but its too late to change course now.

While organizing my scraps and sewing this project, I realized that my pattern library isnt as orderly as I had thought. I purchased the PDF of Quilty Stars only to find a printed copy in my stash, so this post has turned into an impromptu giveaway ...

If you would like this printed pattern to make your own scrap-tastic Quilty Stars, let me know in the comments. If more than one person is interested, Ill pick a name at the end of Sunday, May 26. Im happy to mail this pattern anywhere in the world. If you’re a no-reply blogger or comment anonymously, please include your email address in your comment or send it to me at frombolttobeauty (at) gmail (dot) com.

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Your Quilty Stars quilt is going to be lovely, so nice and scrappy! Everyone needs a really scrappy quilt on hand. Emily has some great patterns. Happy stitching!

  2. Your scrappy stars are going to be shining brightly!

  3. I love your Quilty Star!

  4. Brianna HenningsenMay 24, 2024 at 10:32 AM

    OOo I would love a copy of that pattern, I have so many scraps as well. I plan on doing a few scrap quilts this summer.

  5. I love your blocks! There are so many fun fabrics. Laughing at buying the same thing twice. I've definitely been there. --Anne-Marie quilting (at) storiesfromthesewingroom (dot) com

  6. I love scrappy stars and probably have enough stash to make a few lol. Would love the pattern.

  7. Scrappy is out of my comfort zone, too, but your blue block looks great to me. I look forward to seeing it come together for you.

  8. I too have a ton of scraps that need use - even though I have donated a lot in the past month.... the pattern may be what I need and I would appreciate my name being added. Thanks!

  9. I love scrappy stars!!!

  10. I completely understand and appreciate what you're doing with scraps! Always, always they need to be dealt with to keep them under control. That's why I'm currently putting together a scrap quilt using the "Bonnie Lass" design in Jen Kingwell's book "Quilt Lovely." Your scrappy star design fulfills a similar need, and I love it! Please don't enter me in your giveaway, but thank you!

  11. These are the cutest blocks!!! They could be stand-alone mini quilts!!! I adore them!!!

  12. Ha, the idea of the two quilt, could have come from me ;) But I think this will work out wonderfully, as long as there is enough contrast/defined colors as in this block. It is beautiful! xo

  13. I love a good star block/quilt. Great way to use scraps.


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