
Friday, May 10, 2024

The Return of Me and My WIPs / Beauties Pageant 250

Hello. Is anyone out there?

Its weird for me to take time off from blogging, to be creating behind the scenes without sharing with those of you whove been walking alongside me these past 10 years. Im very happy to be back and in the swing of things.

The truth of the matter is that I just submitted the manuscript for my first quilting book. It has proved to be both one of the most exciting and most anticlimactic events of my quilting life. On one hand, I wrote a book! Its going to be beautifully photographed and designed, and I cant wait to share it with you! That. Is. Exciting! On the other hand, it wont be released for another year. Many amazing publishing professionals will leave their mark on my work before its ready for public consumption (the book-production cycle is more complicated than you'd think). Still, twelve months is a long time to wait.

One of the challenges of writing a book is that you have to commit to making a certain number of projects upfront. Theres little room for much else, and I am eager to chase a few quilty squirrels.

In the few days since I turned everything in, I have been planning all the things in all aspects of my life.  On the quilting front, I am preparing some projects that bust through scraps and stash. These include:

  • Chamomile: I am going to sew this pattern by Allison Jensen (Woodberry Way) in fabrics from Fig Tree and from Bonnie and Camille. The instructions call for strip piecing, the thought of which makes me very happy.
  • Quilty Stars: The background of this design from Emily Dennis (Quilty Love) is going to make a huge dent in my low volumes. Now to decide on a color for my stars ...
  • Tall Tales Block: Kate Basti is once again organizing a summer sewalong for her super-popular Tall Tales Block. I know Ive signed up in the past and sewn zero blocks, but this year is my year, friends. Im pulling fabric, ordering some newsprint for foundation paper piecing, and getting started. If you want to join in, you can sign up for free at the Summer Book Club site.

And then theres the sweet miniquilt at the top of the post, made with a pattern by Kid Giddy. I was hoping to have her quilted and in the mail already, but did I mention I had a manuscript due this week? Ha! Im hoping this lovely mermaid will still be appreciated when it arrives a few days after Mothers Day. 

I cannot wait to hear what you’ve been up to! Please, upload what you have finishedanything from blocks to full quilts to other fabric-y projectssince I went radio silent back in late March!

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The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Wow, welcome back to blogland, Michelle! You've been missed! And what exciting news!!! Can't wait to hear the deeds on your book! Although it sounds like I'll have to wait awhile!?! Your mermaid queen is adorable! And you've got a great line-up coming up in your studio! I like that she has a template for that Tall Tales book block--looks super handy!

  2. Well congratulations on writing a quilt-y book! I did that too, in 2009, but the process wasn't quite like yours. No "certain number of projects," and no year-long wait. Having a journalism degree myself, I was involved in writing, editing, proofreading, quiltmaking and photography! I was credited as an "editor." It was an exciting time. Still, I wish you well - much patience! - and success when the book is finally released. Focus on the fun projects you have ahead, and in no time, you'll be looking at your book in print.

  3. Congratulations! What a huge milestone to celebrate. I look forward to seeing your WIPs and celebrating more milestones with you as you move closer to publication!!

  4. Welcome back to blogland! Congrats on your new endeavor!!

  5. Congratulations on your book! I look forward to seeing what you have written - let me know if I can help at all. Love your mermaid...I am going to check that one out in case a grand niece requests a mermaid quilt someday!


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