
Friday, December 14, 2018

I Can’t Say No to Scraps / Beauties Pageant 11

Each of these beauties features Rifle Paper Co. designs, from Cotton and Steel.

A friend from guild attends each month’s meeting with a bin full of scraps from her business making nursery items. These are good scraps, people, including lots from Rifle Paper Co., which I love the look of but rarely buy myself. I try to pick from these piles of castoffs with care and restraint. The truth is, I always leave a meeting with a fistful of scrappy goodness.

I decided recently that enough was enough. I could continue to hoard these bits and pieces in my scrap bin if I started to actually use some of them. So use them I did, during Cheri Lehnow’s Tiny Tinkalong Sewalong in November. (You can find the pattern on Etsy and the sewalong announcement on Instagram. Participants’ beautiful finishes can be viewed here.)

I couldn’t imagine chopping up Alice for use in a quilt. I’m happy she gets the
spotlight here.

This pattern is easy peasy. So far I’ve made the tiny version (which is the small size printed at 65%), and it’s perfect for my Cotton and Steel snippets. The hardest and most time-consuming part is choosing the fabric and finding a good cord or ribbon to use as the drawstring.

I did buy yardage of this print, one of my favorite ever. It was the
palette inspiration for this quilt.

These tiny treasures will hold gift cards and chocolates for my children’s teachers this holiday season. : )

Are you doing any holiday sewing? Share any recent finishes—for gift giving or for yourself—in this week’s Beauties Pageant!

The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Hi Michelle! What a fabulous and perfect gift for teachers for the holiday season. It certainly lets them know you think enough of them to give them a gift, and it is something they can use going forward. So very lovely and fun. Happy Friday to you! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Gorgeous little bags! They'll make great gifts. What a treasure trove that bin of scraps must be :) Thanks for hosting again!

  3. These are such cute little bags and a perfect way to use those beautiful scraps.

  4. What a perfect way to use the Alice prints and they will make a fantastic bonus gift to go along with the chocolate and gift cards!

  5. I love these little bags and I'm sure the teachers will as well. The bags are a great use for the beautiful Rifle and Paper Co. prints. I'm glad you didn't cut Alice up.

  6. Cute little bags. A great way to use scraps. I love the lined drawstring bag by In Color Order. I've tried others, but none impress me as much. But it's hard to resist a new pattern LOL

  7. How generous of your guild mate to share such pretty scraps! The teachers will love these gifts!!

  8. Adorable bags! Lucky to get all those scraps, that's nice.

  9. You can just send some of those yummy snippets up my wayy! ;)

    The bags are super cute! Great finish!


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