
Friday, October 26, 2018

All Sorts of Inefficency / Beauties Pageant 6

Don’t get too excited. I’m currently unsewing all of these blocks!

Confession: I started a new project.

Now, I was not in the position to begin another quilt, but I ran out of fabric for the two-color QuiltCon challenge I had been working on. (This happens when you buy fabric before you decide on a design. Ack—inefficiency!) I could have worked on a variety of WIPs while waiting for reinforcements to arrive—like my Gypsy Wife quilt or my No Latitude quilt or my Modern Medallion quilt—but I succumbed to the allure of novelty.

Grabbing a fistful of fat quarters from Maureen Cracknell’s Nightfall line, I printed out a copy Garden Plots, a quilt Alison Vermilya designed for Moda Bake Shop. I’ve had that pattern on my radar screen all year. I love how it builds on big chunks of fabric—perfect for showcasing Nightfall’s bunnies and owls.

But Garden Plots calls for a jelly roll and yardage. All I had on hand were fats and a tiny bit of yardage. With minimal planning and no idea whether I had enough fabric, I just started cutting and sewing. (You see what I’m doing here, right? Setting myself up for another fabric emergency.)

I was feeling OK with my first few blocks (see picture above), but then I sewed this beauty ...

So now I’m reworking those first few blocks and using a print and solid in each of the frames. Doing suits me more aesthetically. It also helps me make the most of the limited fabric cuts I have.

How about your past week of sewing? Did you, like me, take a rotary cutter to a bundle of pristine fat quarters? If you finished up a project in the works, we want to hear about it. Join the linky below!

The pageant rules are simple:
  • Post your finish in the linky tool. (No links to your own giveaway or linky, please!)
  • Point your readers back here with a text link or use the button above.
  • Visit and comment on other participants’ finishes.

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  1. Michelle, I am SO EXCITED about your version of this quilt! It's going to be amazing! It makes my heart so full when people put their own personal touches on a pattern I've designed! :D

  2. The mix of prints and solids looks fantastic! Great way to stretch out your fabric and prevent that second fabric emergency :)

  3. What a great way to showcase fabrics from your stash. I can't wait to see the finish.

  4. You can totally be forgiven for starting something so awesome!!! Love what you've got so far, a fabulous pattern to highlight such gorgeous fabrics:-)

  5. You were definitely living dangerously by cutting into a new pattern and winging it on some yardages! I like that you found that a solid and a print frame suits you and will help stretch your fabric, too. It will be a very lovely quilt when it comes together. :)

  6. That block with the bunnies is just perfect. Have fun with the animals while you wait for the yardage.

  7. Hi Michelle! No linky for me today as nothing accomplished this week. I barely have done any sewing this month - I need to snap out of it! I l.o.v.e these blocks - perfect for showcasing those fabrics. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished flimsy very soon. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. That's an interesting block. I really like the teal one. Well done.

  9. I have saved this pattern from Moda Bake Shop to use for fabric I have been saving, also. I will get to it sooner or later.


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