
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Another Source for Sunday Stash

About every three or four months, I resolve to stop buying fabric and use more of my stash, but I find myself in a perpetual catch-22: In order to use what I’ve got, I need to buy more saturated colors/low volumes/solids/etc. It’s a frustrating—and at times costly!—predicament.

There’s a guilt-free source of fabric, however, that presents itself on occasion, one for which I am most thankful. It’s those fabric-loving friends of mine.

In the past few months, I sent my odds and ends of Basic Grey’s Mon Ami line (used in this quilt and this one) to Judy, over at Sew Some Sunshine. I know she loves BG’s collections and thought she’d appreciate playing with Mon Ami. I was surprised when a care package from her arrived at my house a few weeks later.

She passed her scraps of BG’s Persimmon, used in her Interlock quilt, on to me and included a mini-charm pack of BG’s Juniper Berry, yardage from Juniper Berry, assorted 2-inch squares, Bonnie and Camille Scrumptious scraps, and Kate and Birdie scraps. I’m pretty sure that list covers it all, but there was so much, it’s hard to say for sure!


Juniper Berry

I’m sure the irony is not lost on you. I tried to trim my stash by giving some fabric away and ended up with more fabric.

Another BG story involves Chelsea, from Patch the Giraffe. She was on Cape Cod with our guild for a retreat back in October. I couldn’t go, but I was not forgotten. There’s this mother of all quilt shops on the Cape, Tumbleweed Quilt Shop, where Chels found some bolts of BG’s PB&J, one of my favorite lines. (I made a quilt with some PB&J mini-charm packs here. I discovered other bolts from the line during this trip.) Now I’m the happy owner of three yard cuts from this long out-of-print collection. Yahoo!


I don’t have plans for any of this loot—yet. It’s all aging in my stash for the time being.

I’m serious, this time, though. I am going to bust my stash! As I grow as a quilter, I want to use more solids, and I stash almost exclusively prints. I have a plan to chip away at the hoard. I’ll fill you in on that scene soon!

Linking up to Sunday Stash ...

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  1. Hi Michelle! All the fabrics in your photos are really beautiful! I love the blue/greys, the basics but today those diamonds are my favourite piece! x Teje

  2. Definitely ironic, but that's how it goes sometimes. Enjoy! On my last shopping foray I bought a piece the would go with PB&J. Now I know what to look for.

  3. HA! Fabric friends are the best. Over time I've somehow amassed a healthy stash of solids and low volumes (that's what I get for buying half yards and yards) and now I really shouldn't buy any more unless I need. I love that mistletoe print! I'm sure you'll find the right project!

  4. How fun to swap like that! And what you bought is divine!

  5. What lovely stash additions from friends who clearly know you very well. :)

  6. That's awesome that the quilty friends are so generous. There was a full FQB of PB & J at Bits and Pieces in Pelham, NH when I was there a few months ago--- it was on clearance, so it might gone. I'd give them a call- the owner is very nice and helpful.

  7. You are not alone in making vows not to buy more. It's hard when we are bombarded with all these beautiful fabric lines that are coming out.

  8. Oh Michelle, I laughed out loud at your last paragraph! I could just hear the stern tone of your voice "I'm serious this time..." LOL BG fabrics are some of my very favorite - I used Persimmon in a quilt that I snuggle with every day. You have the best quilty friends!

  9. Or you can just rummage through my scrap bin! Winning for the both of us. Swapping is so much more fun than shopping sometimes. Like when a cut of sunny side ends up in my stash!! Keep the exchange going :)

  10. I can relate to this! About every three or four months, I too resolve to stop buying fabric and use more of my stash. I have been relatively restrained lately - buying what I need to finish things without adding unnecessary extras. I am not sure how long that phase can last!

  11. What a great way to increase your stash. So nice to have friends that send you goodies.

  12. Big BG fan here too, great additions!


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